
14 New Articles on MakeUseOf

Wednesday, December 31, 2014

14 New Articles on MakeUseOf

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Running Linux In A Chromebook Window, Xbox Hackers Offer DDoS Attacks [Tech News Digest]

Posted: 31 Dec 2014 03:30 AM PST


Also, the Xbox One SDK leaks online, the most pirated movies of 2014, Nuclear Throne freebies, and a look back at 2014 in GIFs. Run Linux In A Window On A Chromebook It’s now possible to run Linux in a window on a Chromebook. Google evangelist François Beaufort revealed how to do so in a Google+ post, detailing the various steps Chromebook owners must take in order to run their favorite Linux distros in a window. Essentially, you need to be running Chrome OS in Developer Mode and install David Schneider’s Crouton extension. You can then run Linux in a...

Read the full article: Running Linux In A Chromebook Window, Xbox Hackers Offer DDoS Attacks [Tech News Digest]

How Do Smartphones Compare To Supercomputers Of The Past?

Posted: 30 Dec 2014 06:30 PM PST


Most of us carry a smartphone around in our pocket without really thinking twice about just how impressive it is. These tiny little devices can do so many things, and they can do them for a (relatively) low price. Have you ever thought about what your smartphone can do when compared to the supercomputers of the past? At one point, these computers were the pinnacle of power, and they required massive amounts of space to work. This infographic breaks down how how the devices we have today compare with supercomputers, and the results are truly something to behold. Check it out,...

Read the full article: How Do Smartphones Compare To Supercomputers Of The Past?

The Best Linux Software

Posted: 30 Dec 2014 10:00 AM PST


Linux is full of awesome apps, both open source and proprietary. People new to Linux might be used to Windows or Mac OS X apps that aren’t available on Linux, and don’t know about available alternatives. Even seasoned Linux users tend to find new and useful software quite often. Linux apps are also very easy to install. In most cases, they’re in your distribution’s repositories so all it takes is a quick search through your Software Center or a single command in the terminal. Speaking of terminals, there are plenty of apps that can help you avoid the terminal, if...

Read the full article: The Best Linux Software

How To Turn Google Chrome Into A Productivity Beast

Posted: 30 Dec 2014 09:00 AM PST


The Internet has made us more productive than ever before, and the browser is the gateway to all that productivity. If you’re a Google Chrome user (and if you aren’t, here’s the easy guide to get started), its many extensions and apps can help you turn it into a productivity beast. Manage Your To-Dos The to-do list is the cornerstone of a productivity system—although it can make you less productive if you don’t know how to use it right. Chrome users are spoilt for choice: you can either get a new tab page that doubles up as a to-do list,...

Read the full article: How To Turn Google Chrome Into A Productivity Beast

What’s In Store For Windows 10 In 2015?

Posted: 30 Dec 2014 08:30 AM PST


2015 will be Microsoft’s chance to regain long lost popularity as they release Windows 10, their new flagship and cross-platform operating system. Here’s what happened with Windows 10 in 2014 and the milestones you can look forward to in 2015. What Happened So Far In April, Microsoft released the last meaningful update for Windows 8.1, which addressed most user complaints, except for the Start Menu. By the time the second Windows 8.1 update came around in August, Windows 8.1 users had come to terms with the new OS or downgraded to Windows 7. Fueled by leaked screenshots, the tech world moved on to...

Read the full article: What’s In Store For Windows 10 In 2015?

Social Media In 2015, Predictions And Potential

Posted: 30 Dec 2014 08:00 AM PST


Back in January, we took a look at some of the groundbreaking social media events and stories from 2013. Today however, we chose to place our necks on the line and make four future predictions for social media in 2015, along with a few more ideas about what might happen before this time next year. There’s been plenty of speculation in this respect online over the past month or so, and it seems many commentators agree on a couple of the following ideas, but we’ve thrown a few more in, just for good measure. We’d love to hear what else...

Read the full article: Social Media In 2015, Predictions And Potential

Microsoft, Artificial Intelligence, and The Robot Apocalypse

Posted: 30 Dec 2014 07:30 AM PST


For those familiar with the classic 1984 film "Terminator," some recent news out of oft-criticized Microsoft may be cause for consternation. No, Skynet isn't ready to destroy all of humanity just yet. But it seems that autonomous security robots are garnering serious attention from big companies, including Microsoft. Is this the beginning of the end? Or, depending on your perspective, it could just be the latest innovation that will help protect and improve humanity. Recently, Microsoft showcased a line of new autonomous robots, called K5, as security guards for one of its campuses. And though the robots looked nothing like...

Read the full article: Microsoft, Artificial Intelligence, and The Robot Apocalypse

Ultimate Browser Settings: Must-Change Items In Chrome, Firefox, & Internet Explorer

Posted: 30 Dec 2014 07:00 AM PST


Every few months or so, I uninstall and then reinstall all of the browsers on the PC and MacBook. I do this mainly because browsers tend to fill up with crud eventually, and they slow down to the point where they are unusable. So I delete the whole lot, user profiles, extensions, and all, and start again – after backing up my bookmarks of course. It would be a disaster if I lost the bookmarks. When reinstalled, there are always some settings that get changed first. Things that would make the browser unusable for me if they weren’t changed. Today,...

Read the full article: Ultimate Browser Settings: Must-Change Items In Chrome, Firefox, & Internet Explorer

Five Breaches To Your Privacy in 2014 That You Might Have Missed

Posted: 30 Dec 2014 06:00 AM PST


As you may know, 2014 hasn’t been a good year for privacy. An ever-increasing pool of people are interested in you. Numerous publications revelled in the private lives of celebrities, but 2014 was also the year the spotlight shone on the general public. Can we learn anything from these breaches? They say that if you don’t pay for something, you are the product. Here’s how your privacy was infringed upon in just 12 months… The NSA What Happened? We all know our governments keep tabs on what we do, but it’s the extent of their interest in us that sometimes comes...

Read the full article: Five Breaches To Your Privacy in 2014 That You Might Have Missed

Master The Basics Of Arduino For Just $19

Posted: 30 Dec 2014 05:30 AM PST


How would you like to take your tinkering skills to the next level with an Arduino? The range of cool projects you can do with this awesome development board is truly staggering. Of course, you aren’t just going to run out, buy an Arduino, and be an expert. You’ll need some knowledge and skills, and that’s exactly what the awesome course will teach you. For just $19, you can get access to the Introductory Arduino Course and be well on your way to making some amazing projects. This course normally sells for $101, so you’ll be saving 81% off the normal...

Read the full article: Master The Basics Of Arduino For Just $19

How To Keep Your Digital Life Organized In The New Year

Posted: 30 Dec 2014 05:00 AM PST


One of the downsides of going digital is that clutter isn’t so obvious. When you’re buried under papers, boxes, and stacks of scattered miscellany, it’s all physical proof that you need to clean up a bit. Digitally speaking, however, the only real reminder of clutter is when hard drive space runs out. Clutter is the death of organization. Consider how much time you spend searching through your computer, your smartphone, your music libraries, and everything else. How much time does that add up to in the long run? What if you could become more efficient while expending less effort? Organizing...

Read the full article: How To Keep Your Digital Life Organized In The New Year

What Is The OBD-II Port And What Is It Used For?

Posted: 30 Dec 2014 04:00 AM PST


If you purchased a car after 1996, chances are it has an OBD-II (On-board diagnostics II) port. Every car or truck on the road manufactured after that point is mandated by United States Federal Law to have one installed. But what is it? OBD-II is a sort of computer which monitors emissions, mileage, speed, and other useful data. OBD-II is connected to the Check Engine light, which illuminates when the system detects a problem. Depending on the problem, the light either stays on, flashes, or goes away entirely. Mechanics can use scan tools to make sense of the diagnostic trouble...

Read the full article: What Is The OBD-II Port And What Is It Used For?

Microsoft Develops New Web Browser, Hackers Target Your Fingerprints [Tech News Digest]

Posted: 30 Dec 2014 03:30 AM PST


Also, new Twitter ads upset William Shatner, 10 million people try Amazon Prime, Apple offers extended refunds, and old people play QWOP. Microsoft Developing Spartan Web Browser Internet Explorer is being replaced with a browser called Spartan. Which will take over by kicking it into a bottomless pit. #ThisIsSpartan — @midnight (@midnight) December 30, 2014 Microsoft is developing a new Web browser to be released alongside Windows 10. However, contrary to previous reports, this isn’t merely a new version of Internet Explorer but a whole new browser entirely. At least according to sources talking to ZDNet. Spartan, as Microsoft’s new...

Read the full article: Microsoft Develops New Web Browser, Hackers Target Your Fingerprints [Tech News Digest]

5 Power Tools To Make You Better At Tweeting On Twitter

Posted: 29 Dec 2014 08:30 PM PST


Twitter is a powerful communication tool, beloved by many, including rock stars, comedians, actors, comic book writers, activists, and the ordinary man and woman in the street like you and me. But that communication power is only there if you have the correct nuts and bolts in the toolbox to help you. Otherwise Twitter just becomes a lot of noise, which will eventually overwhelm you. Today on Cool Websites and Apps, we are going to take a look at 5 never-before-looked-at Twitter apps, which will help you become a better Tweeter at Twitter. Riffle If you use Google Chrome, and...

Read the full article: 5 Power Tools To Make You Better At Tweeting On Twitter


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