
15 New Articles on MakeUseOf

Friday, September 26, 2014

15 New Articles on MakeUseOf

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Cool Websites & Tools – Search By Image, Plan a Hangout, & Communication Tools

Posted: 25 Sep 2014 09:31 PM PDT


DocsPad – is an HTML5 viewer which gives you document embedding and annotations if you are making an app. On the front page of the site, you can see how your app would look with DocsPad on various devices such as a laptop, phone, and tablet. It supports all document formats, and works across all devices. Plus it is fully customizable. Screenshot Device – lets you take a screenshot and upload that to Google Search By Image instantly and do a search. Using it is simple. Screenshot the area you want to search. After the screenshot has been prepared, the...

Read the full article: Cool Websites & Tools – Search By Image, Plan a Hangout, & Communication Tools

So Long, Orkut!

Posted: 25 Sep 2014 07:30 PM PDT

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It’s about time? That might sound mean, but Google has been known to axe services on a regular basis. Remember Google Wave? Oh wait, this is better: Google Reader. So why did Google wait this long to kill Orkut, a service that never really took off? via Click to enlarge.

Read the full article: So Long, Orkut!

MakeUseOf’s Technophilia Podcast Episode 132 – Windows Phone, We Hardly Knew Ye

Posted: 25 Sep 2014 11:30 AM PDT


A shiny, new episode of the Technophilia is ready to go! Justin is back, which means all three hosts are in the house. As you’d expect, the show in stunning HD, so get ready to feast your eyes on some truly beautiful video to go along with some serious tech and gaming disucssion. We’d love to hear your feedback on the show in the comments section! If you want to make sure you never miss an episode, subscribe to MakeUseOf’s YouTube channel, and subscribe to the video feed for the Technophilia Podcast. If you prefer audio podcasts, head on over, subscribe to Technophilia on...

Read the full article: MakeUseOf’s Technophilia Podcast Episode 132 – Windows Phone, We Hardly Knew Ye

5 Things iOS & Android Can Still Learn From Windows Phone

Posted: 25 Sep 2014 11:00 AM PDT


Windows Phone might not be the platform Microsoft (and others) hoped for, but it can still teach iOS and Android a thing or two. Do you use a Windows Phone? Perhaps you tried the platform but went back to Android or iOS (or even BlackBerry). While it might not sell in the same volumes as the iPhone or Android handsets, Windows Phone still has its place in the smartphone market, if only to push the market leaders to improve their operating systems and make better handsets. Here are five ways iOS and Android can improve in the coming years. Faster...

Read the full article: 5 Things iOS & Android Can Still Learn From Windows Phone

Type Superfast With Real Time Voice Dictation in iOS 8

Posted: 25 Sep 2014 10:30 AM PDT


It’s time to do less typing and more talking with the new real time voice-to-text feature in iOS 8. Relatively little has been said about the new real-time dictation function in iOS, and in previous versions it may not have been worthy of the highlight. But with the recent iOS 8 update, Apple has restored bragging rights when it comes voice dictation and mobile devices. Past iOS dictation implementation wouldn’t show the text you dictated until you tapped the Done button, which meant activating the feature several times for long form dictation. Well, not anymore. For me, the new voice-to-text feature works more efficiently...

Read the full article: Type Superfast With Real Time Voice Dictation in iOS 8

Need To Use Skype? You CAN Do That On A Chromebook

Posted: 25 Sep 2014 10:00 AM PDT


A lot of people like Chromebook. A lot of people love Skype. For those of you out there who have been told Skype can’t be used on Chromebook, I’m going to show you it can be done! What You Need To Set Up Skype Online Do you have a Microsoft account? If you’ve used Skype before, or a variety of other Microsoft products, the answer is yes. Moving on. Do you have access to the Internet? I’m going to assume if you’re reading this, the answer is yes. That’s all you need to start chatting with your friends on Skype....

Read the full article: Need To Use Skype? You CAN Do That On A Chromebook

This Android Browser Bug Will Make You Upgrade To KitKat

Posted: 25 Sep 2014 09:30 AM PDT


Are you yet to upgrade to Android 4.4 KitKat? Here’s something that might give you a bit of encouragement to make the switch: a serious issue with the stock browser on pre-KitKat phones has been discovered, and it could allow malicious websites to access the data of other websites. Sounds scary? Here’s what you need to know The issue – which was first discovered by researcher Rafay Baloch – sees malicious websites being able to inject arbitrary JavaScript into other frames, which could see cookies stolen, or the structure and markup of websites being directly interfered with. Security researchers are...

Read the full article: This Android Browser Bug Will Make You Upgrade To KitKat

Mesh Networks: The Future of Communication

Posted: 25 Sep 2014 09:00 AM PDT


The Internet, and other traditional networks, are vulnerable. Mesh networks are almost invulnerable. There are no choke points through which all traffic passes. Instead, information is passed from one device to the next until it reaches its destination. Although originally designed to be a distributed network, as the Internet has become more commercialized, various choke points have formed; some are local, such as a reliance on Internet service providers (ISPs), while others are global, like the network of submarine cables that criss-cross the ocean. If a local ISP goes down, it can affect a few thousand people, but when the...

Read the full article: Mesh Networks: The Future of Communication

5 Smart Devices To Help Manage Your Garden

Posted: 25 Sep 2014 08:30 AM PDT


The smart, connected home is a rapidly growing market, with home owners seeking ways to make the devices within their house communicate with their smartphones, PCs, and tablet. But what about around your home? Sure, having a connected doorbell is cool, but how about a connected garden? Turns out, a smart garden is completely possible, thanks to the devices we are going to take a look at today. Greenbox Price: $249 Availability: Currently taking reservations with an estimated ship date of early 2015. What it is: Greenbox is a really neat device designed to work with homes that already have a sprinkler system...

Read the full article: 5 Smart Devices To Help Manage Your Garden

Installing Chrome On Windows 8: Everything You Need To Know

Posted: 25 Sep 2014 08:00 AM PDT


If you’re running Windows 8, Chrome is easily the best browser you can be running — so what happens when you run into issues during installation? Installing Chrome on Windows 8 isn’t as simple as you might think. Let’s run through a few of the choices you have and issues you might run into while trying to install it. 32-bit or 64-bit? First up, you need to know if you’re running 32-bit or 64-bit Windows 8. There are a few ways you can tell if you’re running 64-bit Windows, but here is the simplest and quickest way. Press the Windows Key;...

Read the full article: Installing Chrome On Windows 8: Everything You Need To Know

Biohacking: The Creepy but Exciting Trend in Body Modification

Posted: 25 Sep 2014 07:00 AM PDT


“Sorry about the mess,” says Steve Haworth, as we walk down the stairs to the surgical theater in his basement. My friend Ted is visibly pale and sweating – for good reason. He’s about to get a sixth sense the hard way: by way of a scalpel, a needle and thread, and a tiny, gold-plated rare-earth magnet. Haworth is a body modification expert with a particular interest in what’s called “biohacking” – the practice of merging consumer technology and the human body to produce uniquely functional body modifications. Haworth pioneered the procedure that Ted is about to undergo – the...

Read the full article: Biohacking: The Creepy but Exciting Trend in Body Modification

7 Practices Pro Designers Are Using To Improve Their Business

Posted: 25 Sep 2014 06:30 AM PDT

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As a designer, your business is one of the most important things you have – here's how to creatively improve it, and how Webydo can help you with that. MakeUseOf community save 15% on their Webydo professional plans with offer code ‘MakeUseOfVIP15OFF‘. Do you have your own web design company? You probably get a lot of satisfaction from the creative aspect of your work — expressing your artistic flair and spreading your work across the Internet — but perhaps not from the tedious project management side. Running a business is very taxing; having to deal with demanding clients, meeting deadlines,...

Read the full article: 7 Practices Pro Designers Are Using To Improve Their Business

5 Common Photo Lenses & When To Use Them

Posted: 25 Sep 2014 06:00 AM PDT


If you’re the owner of a new digital SLR or mirrorless camera with changeable lenses, you can better tailor your photography to your subject by changing lens. Though there’s no photographic rulebook when it comes to focal length and aperture, there are a few best practices to remember. If you’re looking to improve your photography skills, it pays to know how to get the most out of your equipment. Here are five examples of common photo lens, what they’re good for and when you should use them. The Basics Before we get into the different kinds of lenses, it pays to know a bit...

Read the full article: 5 Common Photo Lenses & When To Use Them

How A Mastermind Group Can Help You Achieve More Goals

Posted: 25 Sep 2014 05:00 AM PDT


The term ‘mastermind group’ is being thrown around a lot in the personal development and self-help spheres these days, but what exactly are they, do they work, and how could you set up your own group? What’s a Mastermind Group? Picture a small group of people, if you will. Each has differing skill sets, weaknesses, strengths, and passions. This group meet regularly either in-person, or online (these days, often via Google Hangouts or Skype) not in order to simply ‘network’, but to genuinely help each other solve problems. They meet to spur each other on to become better than they...

Read the full article: How A Mastermind Group Can Help You Achieve More Goals

BlackBerry Passport Reviews, iOS 8.0.1 Update Bricks iPhones, And More… [Tech News Digest]

Posted: 25 Sep 2014 04:30 AM PDT


Also, tweeting your Amazon Wishlist, Chrome’s dinosaur endless runner game, the live-action Sunset Overdrive trailer, and testing whether other smartphones are as bendy as the iPhone 6 Plus. BlackBerry Passport Reviews Roundup BlackBerry has officially unveiled its new smartphone. The BlackBerry Passport is a large, square handset with a 4.5-inch screen, and, as you would expect from a BlackBerry, a physical keyboard. With apps available from the Amazon Appstore, and an off-contract price of $599, the BlackBerry Passport is an intriguing proposition, but what do the reviewers think? We have pulled together four early reviews of the BlackBerry Passport to...

Read the full article: BlackBerry Passport Reviews, iOS 8.0.1 Update Bricks iPhones, And More… [Tech News Digest]

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