
3 New Articles on MakeUseOf

Sunday, October 19, 2014

3 New Articles on MakeUseOf

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Have A Zombie-Proof Shed To Protect You From The Zombie Apocalypse

Posted: 18 Oct 2014 07:30 PM PDT


The zombies are coming! The zombies are coming! No, not really. But in the spirit of the Halloween season, let’s just say they were. Would you be prepared? What better way to hunker down and fight the zombie uprising than in your very own shed? Well, you’ll need to prep that shed, of course, and this infographic will show you just want you need to get it ready to keep you safe and secure. Check it out, and be a survivor. Via Click To Enlarge

Read the full article: Have A Zombie-Proof Shed To Protect You From The Zombie Apocalypse

Time Is Short: 20 Geeky TL;DR Wikipedia Entries You Need To Read [Weird & Wonderful Web]

Posted: 18 Oct 2014 06:30 PM PDT


Wikipedia is brilliant. Here is a free online encyclopedia filled with more information than anyone could ever hope to consume during their lifetime, and yet we either take it for granted or openly mock it over its supposed penchant for spreading misinformation. Shameful. However, Wikipedia isn’t perfect. Wikipedia can sometimes be a little wordy, and we haven’t always got time to sift through reams of information about a subject. What we need is an alternative version of Wikipedia which condenses the information down to its bare essentials. And that’s exactly what we have in TL;DR Wikipedia. TL;DR Wikipedia Tl;DR Wikipedia...

Read the full article: Time Is Short: 20 Geeky TL;DR Wikipedia Entries You Need To Read [Weird & Wonderful Web]

The Trans-Pacific Partnership Threatens Internet Freedom, Here’s How

Posted: 18 Oct 2014 08:30 AM PDT


ACTA and SOPA might be dead and buried, but the specter of draconian copyright law still lingers, as the leak of the latest draft of the Trans-Pacific Partnership treaty shows us. The treaty – currently being written and developed by twelve countries – could soon see ISPs liable for the activities of their users, extended copyright terms, and the act of circumventing Digital Rights Management (DRM) technology criminalized. Troublingly, the passing of the Trans Pacific Partnership Treaty could also threaten independent journalism – it contains provisions that criminalize the leaking of trade secrets. Worried? You should be. The Trans-Pacific Partnership...

Read the full article: The Trans-Pacific Partnership Threatens Internet Freedom, Here’s How

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