
6 New Articles on MakeUseOf

Monday, February 10, 2014

6 New Articles on MakeUseOf

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Cool Websites & Tools – Cheap Airline Fares, Curated Videos, & Advice To Secure Your Computers

Posted: 09 Feb 2014 08:31 PM PST


Skypicker – the airline industry is now an extremely fierce competitive industry, and each airline is offering cheaper and cheaper prices every day. However, the challenge for the customer is finding those fares and comparing them. Skypicker is here to help you do exactly that, with a map, a calendar, and a list of possible flights, destinations, and fares – all VERY cheap. 5by – scours the internet for the best videos, and hand-delivers the ones you want to watch. It’s curated and free. Sign in with Facebook or your email address, and you will be offered videos to watch...

Read the full article: Cool Websites & Tools – Cheap Airline Fares, Curated Videos, & Advice To Secure Your Computers

Where Are The Top 100,000 Most Visited Websites Hosted?

Posted: 09 Feb 2014 06:30 PM PST


Would it surprise you that almost half of the world’s top 100,000 most visited websites are hosted in North America? Leading the pack proudly with 4921 websites hosted on its servers is Amazon. Personally, I don’t think CloudFlare should have been included since it’s a CDN, but still it goes to show how popular the service is. If you haven’t activated CloudFlare on your website, this is why you should. via

Read the full article: Where Are The Top 100,000 Most Visited Websites Hosted?

Free Music Download: 11 Instrumental Beats & Jazzy Hip Hop Albums [Sound Sunday]

Posted: 09 Feb 2014 05:30 PM PST

Sound Sunday Retina Logo

You love hip hop, you just don’t know it. That might be because you associate hip hop with rap, the oral element, whose often aggressive and controversial lyrics have given it a gangster reputation. But there is more. Hip hop is a subculture, characterized by three more key elements: breaking (physical), graffiti art (visual), and turntablism (aural). Turntablism is the art of manipulating sounds and creating music using direct-drive turntables and a DJ mixer. –Wikipedia This instrumental edition of Sound Sunday allows you to focus on that aural element of hip hop. New York Jazz Genre: instrumental, soul, jazzy hip...

Read the full article: Free Music Download: 11 Instrumental Beats & Jazzy Hip Hop Albums [Sound Sunday]

Forgotify Helps You Discover Unloved Music On Spotify

Posted: 09 Feb 2014 11:00 AM PST


While some people make a special effort to discover new music and expand their horizons, many of us stick to what we know, playing the same songs by the same artists in the same genres over and over again. Which is madness when you consider Spotify has 20 million tracks just sitting there waiting to be found and loved. Which is where Forgotify enters into the equation. Unloved & Unplayed Forgotify is a Web app dedicated to delivering the unloved and undiscovered tracks no one has yet played on Spotify. There are — or at least were before people started...

Read the full article: Forgotify Helps You Discover Unloved Music On Spotify

Is Google Glass the Best Thing Since Sliced Bread? [MUO Debates]

Posted: 09 Feb 2014 08:00 AM PST


What do you get when you cross a heads-up display and a pair of goggles? Google Glasses of course! There are a lot of people out there who are getting very excited about Google Glasses. We’ve got plenty of those people right here at MakeUseOf, like Danny who recently wrote up our Google Glasses giveaway in December, Dave Parrack who wrote about them in a Tech News Digest update, as well as Dave’s list of the 10 best Google Glass videos online. You don’t have to look very far for buzz about this up and coming next-generation mobile product. The...

Read the full article: Is Google Glass the Best Thing Since Sliced Bread? [MUO Debates]

Chromebooks — Yes Or No? [MakeUseOf Poll]

Posted: 09 Feb 2014 04:30 AM PST


Last week we asked if you plan on buying Google Glass one day. Google Glass is a pretty controversial device, with strong voices on each side telling us how useless/useful it is. So how do these opinions reflect on you, our readers? 467 readers voted, and all in all, it does seem like Google Glass has a chance with you. 6% of the voters will buy Google Glass as soon as it’s available, 12% will buy it only if its price drops under $800, 17% will never ever buy it no matter what, 24% don’t plan on it but might...

Read the full article: Chromebooks — Yes Or No? [MakeUseOf Poll]

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