
15 New Articles on MakeUseOf

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

15 New Articles on MakeUseOf

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Cool Websites & Tools – Analyze Your Cloud Storage, Stream Torrents, & Easily Order Pizza

Posted: 12 Aug 2014 09:31 PM PDT


Unclouded – is an Android app which helps you analyse and clean your Dropbox & Google Drive cloud storage. With this app you will be able to see which files or folders are using most of your storage. You will know which categories you have the most (images, videos, etc), find duplicates, know which files have been changed and when, search for files, and much more. TorrenTV – enables you to stream Torrents to your AppleTV, Roku, or Chromecast. Files get downloaded from the start so you can start watching the movie in just a couple of minutes. Drop Magnet...

Read the full article: Cool Websites & Tools – Analyze Your Cloud Storage, Stream Torrents, & Easily Order Pizza

Are You Addicted To The Internet?

Posted: 12 Aug 2014 07:30 PM PDT

are you addicted to the internet feat

Do you feel the urge to check your mail every five minutes? Do you feel uneasy when you can’t log in to Facebook? Do you get angry when the Internet connection breaks? You may be addicted to the Internet. It affects more people than you think. Click to enlarge. via Instant Checkmate

Read the full article: Are You Addicted To The Internet?

Is Windows 8.1 Done After This Unspectacular August Update?

Posted: 12 Aug 2014 07:00 PM PDT


The much anticipated August Update for Windows 8.1, formerly known as Update 2, has arrived and it’s not what we expected; but then we already knew that. Is it even worth bothering? In short: YES! In April, Microsoft hinted at the return of the Start Menu, with a second Windows 8.1 update due in August. In July, we learned that the new Start Menu will not appear until 2015, meaning rather than making an appearance in Windows 8.1, it will be rolled into Threshold, the codename of what might become Windows 9. Now Microsoft promised to stuff their monthly Patch Tuesday with...

Read the full article: Is Windows 8.1 Done After This Unspectacular August Update?

12 Things To Do When A Website Goes Offline [We Ask You Results]

Posted: 12 Aug 2014 06:30 PM PDT


It’s a source of much frustration when your favorite website goes down, and sadly, this happens even to the best of them. When Facebook recently suffered this unfortunate fate, some totally sane and sensible people decided to call the police to report the downtime as a crime. Because idiots. That definitely isn’t what you should do when a website goes down, but we do have 12 alternative ideas of what to do. All suggested by unbelievably supportive (and gorgeous and glamorous) MakeUseOf readers. Perhaps you were one of them. Determining Downtime Dilemmas We asked you, What Do You Do When...

Read the full article: 12 Things To Do When A Website Goes Offline [We Ask You Results]

Learn More About Your Date Before It’s Too Late [Weekly Facebook Tips]

Posted: 12 Aug 2014 03:30 PM PDT


When you’re dating online, do you really know anything about your date before you meet them? You need to know your date before it’s too late. Do you know what tools you can use to vet your date in advance? Well, here’s a couple you can try – and the one for Facebook is especially useful. Why Does This Exist? The creators of these apps were incensed by rape culture and the silence that surrounds it. After reading studies such as Lisak and Miller’s “Repeat Rape and Multiple Offending Among Undetected Rapists”, 2002, they noted that many rapists are repeat...

Read the full article: Learn More About Your Date Before It’s Too Late [Weekly Facebook Tips]

The Right Way To Take Some Time Off….& Not Get Burnt On Re-Entry

Posted: 12 Aug 2014 11:00 AM PDT


My wife always tells me that we need to go away on a relaxing trip – without the smartphones, the iPad, and the laptop – and I always laugh at her. It’s not just a case of switching the phone off, packing a bag, and off you go to the seaside with your bucket and spade. If you work online, and you have emails, tweets, Facebook messages, and Skype voicemails coming out of your ears, then you need to prepare months in advance, if you want to return to a sane working environment. Otherwise the refreshed holiday feeling won’t even last until lunchtime...

Read the full article: The Right Way To Take Some Time Off….& Not Get Burnt On Re-Entry

5 Superb Strategy Games For Windows Phone 8.1

Posted: 12 Aug 2014 10:00 AM PDT


Lightweight arcade games played casually are all very well, but what if you want your mobile gaming experience to be more rewarding and worthwhile? Strategy games have found a home on smartphones and Windows Phone 8.1 is no exception, with titles as diverse as Radiant Defense and Civilization Revolution available for you to install and enjoy today. The diversity in the strategy games for Windows Phone 8.1 is clearly illustrated here, as we bring you eight titles that you simply have to try.* *MakeUseOf cannot be held responsible for any loss of productivity experienced while playing these games. Armed! Armed!...

Read the full article: 5 Superb Strategy Games For Windows Phone 8.1

Goodbye Power Company: Why You May Soon Be Generating Your Own Electricity

Posted: 12 Aug 2014 09:30 AM PDT


US investment banking giant Morgan Stanley has predicted that the major utility companies are going to have some tough years ahead. The reason? Tesla, and the increased affordability of rooftop solar. The predictions were made in a series of three reports that have been published over the course of the past year. The first of which makes the case that in the foreseeable future, consumers may start to leave the grid in favor of generating their own electricity. The first report attributed this to the maturation of consumer solar products, in addition to better and cheaper battery products that can capture...

Read the full article: Goodbye Power Company: Why You May Soon Be Generating Your Own Electricity

What Is USB Type-C?

Posted: 12 Aug 2014 09:00 AM PDT


Ah, the USB plug. It is as ubiquitous now as it is notorious for never being able to be plugged in right the first time. But what if I told you that is about to change? That’s right. With the introduction of USB Type-C, the USB Implementers Forum is looking to do away with USB plugs that need to be flipped and flipped again before working. This new plug will change the tech world for the better. So what exactly is this USB technology, and what will Type-C do for us? The Current State Of USB Before we delve into...

Read the full article: What Is USB Type-C?

5 Lies Linux-Haters Like To Tell

Posted: 12 Aug 2014 08:00 AM PDT


Linux is the Voldemort of computers. You speak its name and everyone cowers in the corner, fearful of the pain and suffering it might bring. The thing is, Linux may have been a scary operating system before, but all of that has changed in recent years. These myths, which are more accurately called lies, are now dead. Interested in learning Linux? Be sure to drop by these five websites for Linux newbies. Having trouble picking a flavor of Linux to use? Consider this list of best Linux distros in 2014. Not sure if Linux is for you? Here are the...

Read the full article: 5 Lies Linux-Haters Like To Tell

How To Control Your Android Using Your Computer’s Mouse And Keyboard

Posted: 12 Aug 2014 07:00 AM PDT


Control your Android phone or tablet using the mouse and keyboard on your computer. Whether you want to respond to texts using your computer’s keyboard or use your tablet as a second screen for research, this setup feels like magic when it’s working. Even better: you can copy text on one device and paste it on another. Synergy has long made it possible for Windows, Mac, and Linux computers to share the same mouse and keyboard. Doing so is seamless: move your mouse pointer past the edge of one screen and you’re immediately in control of another device. This is...

Read the full article: How To Control Your Android Using Your Computer's Mouse And Keyboard

11 Shortcuts For Learning Linux In Record Time

Posted: 12 Aug 2014 06:00 AM PDT


Linux is a fantastic choice for an operating system, but some people have tried Linux and simply aren’t comfortable with it because they know very little about it. While the best way to learn it and get more comfortable with it is to force yourself to use it, that doesn’t mean that you have to make it more difficult on yourself than necessary. If you’d like to learn Linux, but want some ways to speed up the process, here are ten shortcuts you can use to learn as fast as possible. Linux Foundation Or edX Course If you’d like to get...

Read the full article: 11 Shortcuts For Learning Linux In Record Time

Muse One Headband Review and Giveaway

Posted: 12 Aug 2014 05:30 AM PDT

muse one headband review feat

The $299 Muse One headband can read your brain – indirectly, through observing brain activity at the skin level. The headband falls within the category of wearable technology. Basically, it’s tech that you wear. Interaxon, the manufacturer, designed the headband to help users improve their meditation technique and lower anxiety. In a sense, the Muse allows users to hack their brain. Nothing like the Muse exists – nor will something like it likely ever exist. It’s one of the most unique products that I’ve ever tested. So is the Indiegogo-funded Muse One just another crowd-funded gimmick or does it actually improve one’s meditation technique?...

Read the full article: Muse One Headband Review and Giveaway

Less Is More: 5 Small Games That Are Big On Fun

Posted: 12 Aug 2014 05:00 AM PDT


Video games are such a versatile form of entertainment; unlike movies that last for a few hours, there are games that you can play for a hundred hours or more. However, you don’t always want to get involved in such a huge adventure. While mega games that offer tons of content are a blast, sometimes a short, focused game can be a welcome change. Let’s look at some games that don’t take long to beat, but that you’re sure to enjoy every second playing. As a bonus, nearly all these games can be purchased for less than $10, so budget-conscious...

Read the full article: Less Is More: 5 Small Games That Are Big On Fun

Microsoft Pits Surface Pro Vs. MacBook, Chromebooks On Rise, And More… [Tech News Digest]

Posted: 12 Aug 2014 04:30 AM PDT


Also, Cortana is being baked right into Windows 9, the FCC announces net neutrality round table discussions, Microsoft unveils a $25 Nokia feature phone, and discover what happens when you Like everything on Facebook. Microsoft Pits Surface Pro Against MacBook Microsoft sees its Surface Pro tablets as all-in-one devices capable of doing almost anything you care to throw at them. This is somewhat true, with the Surface being a cross between a tablet and a fully-fledged Windows laptop. Unfortunately, this unique positioning hasn’t translated into huge sales. The company is now employing a new strategy for selling the Surface Pro...

Read the full article: Microsoft Pits Surface Pro Vs. MacBook, Chromebooks On Rise, And More… [Tech News Digest]

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