
3 New Articles on MakeUseOf

Sunday, August 24, 2014

3 New Articles on MakeUseOf

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Cool Websites & Tools – Sell Digital Goods, Create Your Own Hacker News, & Good Books

Posted: 23 Aug 2014 09:31 PM PDT


FetchApp – is the easiest way to sell digital goods such as music, videos, photos, e-books, PDF’s, or software online. Produce your masterpiece, send your files to FetchApp, and get paid when people download your stuff. It seamlessly integrates with popular payment systems like Shopify, WordPress, Bigcommerce, Goodsie, PayPal and many others. Twibble – is a way to easily publish content, from any RSS feed to Twitter. Choose when you want your tweets to go out, which enables you then to share your feed with others. Their system automatically allows you to create custom tweet schedules. Then sharing your feed...

Read the full article: Cool Websites & Tools – Sell Digital Goods, Create Your Own Hacker News, & Good Books

Water Woes: 20 Of The Best Celebrity Ice Bucket Challenge Videos [Weird & Wonderful Web]

Posted: 23 Aug 2014 06:30 PM PDT


We’re guessing you’ve heard about the Ice Bucket Challenge by now. If you’re present on any social networks your feed will likely have been filled with these videos, as everyone from proud proles to prudish presidents doused themselves with water in the name of charity. The main charity benefitting from the Ice Bucket Challenge is the ALS Association. But as the meme has travelled around the world other charities have also experienced an uplift in awareness and donations. So, despite the Ice Bucket Challenge seemingly annoying as many people as it has entertained and enlightened, it really is having a...

Read the full article: Water Woes: 20 Of The Best Celebrity Ice Bucket Challenge Videos [Weird & Wonderful Web]

Augmented Reality Games: Are They Worth The Money?

Posted: 23 Aug 2014 09:00 AM PDT


Wouldn’t it be easier to play a first person shooter if you were actually holding the gun? Perhaps combat flight sims would be more realistic if they used a real aeroplane, and RPGs more engaging with physical characters to move around your tablet’s display. Or, just perhaps, such enhancements are largely redundant in an age when mobile gaming is more than capable of standing on its own two feet with high quality titles that don’t require toys and appendages. Recently I’ve decided to try and get to the bottom of this. There are several companies making toys and trinkets that...

Read the full article: Augmented Reality Games: Are They Worth The Money?

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