
13 New Articles on MakeUseOf

Friday, July 26, 2013

13 New Articles on MakeUseOf

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Cool Websites and Tools [July 26th 2013]

Posted: 25 Jul 2013 09:34 PM PDT

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Check out some of the latest MakeUseOf discoveries. Most of the listed websites are FREE or come with a decent free account option. If you want to have similar cool website round-ups delivered to your daily email, subscribe here. Add Your Website Here!   Reebok Fitness – Pick what elements you want to include in your own, personalized workout, then track your progress on your smart phone or tablet. Install the app on your iOS or Android phone and you'll be asked to create your workout program – don't worry, all you need to do is pick which exercises you're...

Read the full article: Cool Websites and Tools [July 26th 2013]

How To Photograph a Fireworks Display

Posted: 25 Jul 2013 07:20 PM PDT


Judging from the tutorials I’ve seen, you’d be forgiven for thinking you need a postgraduate diploma in photography and $10,000 worth of equipment to capture a simple fireworks display. I’m going to apply some MakeUseOf logic and say that’s not true, provided you follow a few basic rules and are happy to experiment. While July 4 has passed for another year, there are plenty of other opportunities to catch fireworks around the globe in 2013 and beyond. With a few pointers, it’s possible to capture more than a few out of focus squiggles and digital grain. Here are my top...

Read the full article: How To Photograph a Fireworks Display

Sort, Shuffle, And Organize Your Plain Text Lists With These 3 Web Tools

Posted: 25 Jul 2013 07:00 PM PDT


I’ve used my fair share of lists to keep myself productive. In fact, when it comes to organization and motivation, there are plenty of apps designed to make you more productive, and that's what lists are ultimately meant to do, right? I'm not just talking about to-do lists either. My beloved Catch Notes and Any.DO both have to-do list functionality, and I love them for it, but sometimes apps just get in the way. Sometimes, plain text is the way to go. I use plain text lists for pretty much everything. For example, I keep track of potential character names...

Read the full article: Sort, Shuffle, And Organize Your Plain Text Lists With These 3 Web Tools

Iron Reader May Be The Simple, No-frills Google Reader Alternative You Were Looking For

Posted: 25 Jul 2013 06:30 PM PDT


Ever since Google Reader died, we’ve all been scrambling to find replacements. In fact, since Google’s original announcement of Google Reader’s death, I’ve heard more about Google Reader than ever before, making me suspect Google’s motives in the matter. Regardless of those, we’ve all been going back and forth between different readers, with the majority of users currently focused on Feedly. Many other alternatives have been popping up, however, including a brand new reader by AOL, the use of Twitter lists to follow the news, and many other interesting Google Reader alternatives worth checking out. But the search, as it...

Read the full article: Iron Reader May Be The Simple, No-frills Google Reader Alternative You Were Looking For

What’s Wrong With Security In Online Gaming?

Posted: 25 Jul 2013 05:30 PM PDT


Without looking at statistics, doesn’t it feel as if the world of online gaming is as strong as it’s ever been? The mobile gaming scene has exploded, and it seems like hundreds of new games for the iOS and Android platforms are being rolled out every week. Nonetheless, the force is still strong with PC! We’re getting to a point where gaming is a business for both developers and the players themselves. People make money by streaming themselves playing games. Players can now “go pro” in the most popular games and literally sign contracts that will qualify them for a...

Read the full article: What’s Wrong With Security In Online Gaming?

4 Gorgeous Interactive Android eBooks For Kids

Posted: 25 Jul 2013 03:30 PM PDT


If you have ever read books to toddlers you know there’s something really special about seeing them enjoy the story. The more they understand, the more they enjoy it and it becomes a bit of a feedback loop until they suddenly move on to new stories. You may also have noticed that there’s a certain age where books with lift-up flaps, textures, things that move and instructions for the reader often become favourites among toddlers. That’s because they thrive on interactivity at this age. The more the better. In fact, interactivity is often cited as a great learning tool. This...

Read the full article: 4 Gorgeous Interactive Android eBooks For Kids

Reading eBooks on Your Tablet: Windows 8 vs. iPad

Posted: 25 Jul 2013 02:30 PM PDT


I’m off on holiday today, and intend to do a bit of reading. This is all very well, especially when it comes to my handful of print books that I want to catch up with. The problem comes in the shape of my digital media. I’ve a fair few titles in Kindle, which I can read across a number of devices. But which one is the most comfortable for reading? Up for contention for space in my suitcase are my iPad (first generation) and my Acer Iconia W700. Although I can read on my Windows Phone (a Nokia Lumia 920)...

Read the full article: Reading eBooks on Your Tablet: Windows 8 vs. iPad

Google Street View Lets You Explore The Eiffel Tower [Updates]

Posted: 25 Jul 2013 02:00 PM PDT


In its never-ending quest to add more locations around the world that you can explore using Google Street View, on Tuesday Google added a new collection of imagery from the very top of the Eiffel Tower. Now, anyone that places the Street View icon over the Eiffel Tower in Google Maps will find themselves standing on the top of the tower, with a stunning 360-degree view of the city. Virtual visitors can also look up at the tower, taking in the historic architecture of the monument itself. The addition of the Paris monument imagery to Google Street View is only...

Read the full article: Google Street View Lets You Explore The Eiffel Tower [Updates]

Test Mozilla’s FirefoxOS on Your Windows, Mac or Linux Computer

Posted: 25 Jul 2013 01:00 PM PDT


Install Earth’s latest smartphone OS on your desktop computer – if you’re a Firefox user it’s just a couple of clicks away. Curious about FirefoxOS, which is for sale now? That makes sense: this open source, royalty-free operating system is bound to pop up on phones all over the planet eventually, but odds are a phone running it is not yet available in your country right now. Don’t worry: you can still give it a spin on your computer – all you need is a single Firefox extension. With it you can run a virtual version of FirefoxOS, and find...

Read the full article: Test Mozilla’s FirefoxOS on Your Windows, Mac or Linux Computer

8 Nerdy Illustrations For Geeks In Love

Posted: 25 Jul 2013 12:30 PM PDT


When you’re in love, things might get fuzzy, your thoughts get disarrayed, and you might not be able to think straight. But when nerdy geeks fall in love, things somehow get clearer; as illustrated by these lovely 8 illustrations by Nicole Martinez. Nicole’s works are available for purchase as prints, greeting cards and limited edition signed posters. Which is your favourite?

Read the full article: 8 Nerdy Illustrations For Geeks In Love

Red Hat Enterprise Linux: A Rock Solid Desktop Distribution For Companies

Posted: 25 Jul 2013 11:00 AM PDT


Not too long ago, I covered CentOS, a free operating system that is rebuilt from packages of Red Hat Enterprise Linux, or “RHEL”. This results in a clone of Red Hat Enterprise Linux that costs you absolutely nothing as you don’t have to pay Red Hat’s prices for their support services for the product. While CentOS may be a nice way to get enterprise-quality software on your systems without spending a dime, it may still be worth a look at the real deal. So what features does Red Hat Enterprise Linux (which costs $299 per year) include that make it...

Read the full article: Red Hat Enterprise Linux: A Rock Solid Desktop Distribution For Companies

10 Of The Funniest Song Parodies Of All Time On YouTube

Posted: 25 Jul 2013 10:00 AM PDT


Pop music certainly has its place in the world, offering simple pleasures from catchy tunes that burrow their way into your head where they remain until another, more powerful, ditty comes along. It doesn’t matter whether it’s your preferred genre or not, certain pop songs will still enter into your subconscious and lay dormant until you catch yourself singing the chorus in the shower one morning. Thankfully there is a simple way of alleviating some of the guilt you may feel for liking these mostly terrible songs from the likes of Justin Bieber, Lady Gaga, Rihanna, and Beyonce (all of...

Read the full article: 10 Of The Funniest Song Parodies Of All Time On YouTube

The Best iPhone 5 Battery Cases Compared

Posted: 25 Jul 2013 09:20 AM PDT


The iPhone has always had reasonable battery life, but as the power of the chip inside as increased, Apple has struggled to keep endurance from falling behind. The small, thin iPhone 5 only has so much room, and a small battery almost always leads to modest talk time. Buying a battery case is the easy solution. But which should you buy? There are numerous options available for the iPhone 5, and all of them basically do the same thing: add battery life. Yet some manage to gain an edge over the competition through size, design or endurance. Here's the best...

Read the full article: The Best iPhone 5 Battery Cases Compared

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