
15 New Articles on MakeUseOf

Friday, July 5, 2013

15 New Articles on MakeUseOf

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Cool Websites and Tools [July 4th 2013]

Posted: 04 Jul 2013 09:28 PM PDT

cwt logo static
Check out some of the latest MakeUseOf discoveries. Most of the listed websites are FREE or come with a decent free account option. If you want to have similar cool website round-ups delivered to your daily email, subscribe here.   Electric Slide – An important part of business that has never gone out of style [...]

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Nvidia Fans, Listen Up! Improve Your Gaming With The GeForce Experience

Posted: 04 Jul 2013 07:30 PM PDT

Computer games are complex beasts. Though their gameplay is often similar to what's found on a console, the flexibility of the PC platform allows for fine-detail control not possible on other platforms. Games built for a computer will have a buffet of graphics options that can be adjusted to create an amazing visual experience. But [...]

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Read full article: Nvidia Fans, Listen Up! Improve Your Gaming With The GeForce Experience

Everything You Need to Know About Adding Ringtones on Windows Phone 8

Posted: 04 Jul 2013 07:00 PM PDT

Over the 15 or so years of owning a mobile phone, I've always been interested in pushing the device as far as it can possibly go. In the early days, this would often involve finding ways to add custom ringtones. When Windows Phone 7 was first released, the customization options were limited. Windows Phone 8 takes a whole new approach to ringtones, making the addition of user-chosen audio far simpler. If you own a Nokia Lumia 920, you could have custom ringtones set up by the time you finish reading this page.

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Read full article: Everything You Need to Know About Adding Ringtones on Windows Phone 8

Tired Of Boring IM Apps? Invi Is A Beautiful & Feature-Packed App You Need To Try [Android 2.3+]

Posted: 04 Jul 2013 06:30 PM PDT

Text messaging is by no means new, but it's been gaining popularity over the past few years, slowly replacing regular phone calls for many users. SMS messages have been popular for years, but free texting apps that use your data plan are a great substitute. However, most only let you text with friends who also use the app. Invi is a beautiful messaging app for Android (iOS and Windows Phone versions planned) that changes all that.

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Read full article: Tired Of Boring IM Apps? Invi Is A Beautiful & Feature-Packed App You Need To Try [Android 2.3+]

3 Windows 98 Bugs Worth Revisiting

Posted: 04 Jul 2013 05:30 PM PDT

Windows 98
Is it just nostalgia that keeps me attached to this OS, or was Windows 98 actually worth remembering? This operating system released 15 years ago had its ups and downs. Critics have been pretty harsh on the recent versions of Windows. Vista took it the hardest, but there are a lot of you who don't seem to be the biggest fans of Windows 8 either. Maybe we should take a trip back in time and remember just how bad certain parts of Windows 98 were. Love it or hate it, you were in for some pretty big problems.

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Read full article: 3 Windows 98 Bugs Worth Revisiting

Synchronise Your Mac Apps with Dropbox

Posted: 04 Jul 2013 03:30 PM PDT

Why would you want to sync your app data? Well, perhaps in order to keep backups in the cloud. Or maybe you would do this in order to sync with another computer somewhere. You'll be pleased to know there are ways to do this, and they are generally quite easy, depending on how in-depth you want to go and even if your favourite apps don't offer in-app sync, there are usually still ways to do it.

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Read full article: Synchronise Your Mac Apps with Dropbox

6 Ways To Reclaim Your Email Inbox

Posted: 04 Jul 2013 02:30 PM PDT

Reclaim Inbox Intro
Is there anything else that's as useful, prevalent, and frustrating as an email inbox? It's been around forever and we keep using it, and as long as we keep using it, people like me will keep writing about it. You probably think it'd be easier to tame a lion than tame your inbox, but there are tools that will make you think twice. There are built-in features for some email services that will do most of the heavy organizational work for you.

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Read full article: 6 Ways To Reclaim Your Email Inbox

New York City Gets Its Own .nyc Domain Name [Updates]

Posted: 04 Jul 2013 02:00 PM PDT

The Internet domain regulation organization ICANN has recently approved .nyc as the official top level domain for New York City. This decision makes New York City the first city in the world to be granted approval for its own domain, with London and Paris close behind.

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Read full article: New York City Gets Its Own .nyc Domain Name [Updates]

Curious About Linux? 5 Easy & No Risk Ways To Try Linux On Your Windows PC

Posted: 04 Jul 2013 01:00 PM PDT

Want to check out Linux, but fear you might wreck your existing Windows installation? Don't. There are plenty of risk-free ways to try Linux, from live CDs to USB keys to virtual machines. Whether you're thinking of ditching Windows or simply want to tinker with some tech, Linux is worth looking into. If you want to see how user friendly Linux can be, I recommend starting with Ubuntu, though others will tell you Linux Mint is a better first experience. If you consider yourself a geek, at least try it out.

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Read full article: Curious About Linux? 5 Easy & No Risk Ways To Try Linux On Your Windows PC

Flowchart: Should You Upload A New Facebook Profile Photo?

Posted: 04 Jul 2013 12:30 PM PDT

In the spur of the moment, you can't think straight. You're staring at the ridiculously funny photo you've just taken with your phone at a party. It's hilarious. A friend suggests uploading it to Facebook as your profile photo. In the spur of the moment, you can't think straight. Good idea, you say.

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Read full article: Flowchart: Should You Upload A New Facebook Profile Photo?

4 Good Ways To Disguise Yourself Online

Posted: 04 Jul 2013 12:00 PM PDT

Why would it ever be necessary to disguise yourself online? Isn't such behavior only for the likes of hackers, spies, and lowlifes? Well, not exactly. It isn't always easy to fully disguise yourself in a way that is untraceable, but using the tools described in this article, you should be able to pull it off in fairly short order.

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Read full article: 4 Good Ways To Disguise Yourself Online

Fedora 19 “Schrödinger’s Cat” Is Alive And Full Of New Features and Improvements

Posted: 04 Jul 2013 11:00 AM PDT

Joy to the world, a new version of Fedora codenamed "Schrödinger's Cat" has been released! In the past, Fedora has provided leadership in the open source community, holding up to strict open source policies, continuous support to upstream projects, and by offering the latest software before any other distribution.

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Read full article: Fedora 19 “Schrödinger’s Cat” Is Alive And Full Of New Features and Improvements

Learn All About Ouya, The $99 Games Console

Posted: 04 Jul 2013 10:00 AM PDT

You wait years for a new games console to come along, and then several come along all at once. Who would have thought games consoles and buses had so much in common. Hot on the heels of the PS4 and Xbox One being revealed at E3 2013, and Matt Smith and I arguing about the [...]

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Read full article: Learn All About Ouya, The $99 Games Console

5 Ways to Avoid Blur with a Smartphone Camera

Posted: 04 Jul 2013 09:20 AM PDT

I think it's safe to assume most people take their smartphone cameras for granted, despite the leaps and bounds made in pocketable picture-taking technology. Unfortunately a lot of the time our smartphones produce overly blurry photos, but it doesn't necessarily have to be this way. A lot of the time blurry photos are the result of simple user error and sub-par stock software. With the right techniques and apps you can vastly improve the results provided by your smartphone's camera.

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Read full article: 5 Ways to Avoid Blur with a Smartphone Camera

Spotify Challenges iTunes Radio With Discover For iPhone [Updates]

Posted: 04 Jul 2013 08:30 AM PDT

Spotify officially launched its "Discover" feature for iPhone to the public on Tuesday. The feature allows users of the app to view a news feed which offers listening recommendations based on existing listener habits and what's currently popular on Spotify.

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Read full article: Spotify Challenges iTunes Radio With Discover For iPhone [Updates]

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