
15 New Articles on MakeUseOf

Saturday, July 13, 2013

15 New Articles on MakeUseOf

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Cool Websites and Tools [July 12th 2013]

Posted: 12 Jul 2013 09:26 PM PDT

cwt logo static
Check out some of the latest MakeUseOf discoveries. Most of the listed websites are FREE or come with a decent free account option. If you want to have similar cool website round-ups delivered to your daily email, subscribe here.   Comic Strip It – Using this application you can create comics quite easily. You can [...]

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Find Out Where A Website’s Server Is Located With FlagFox and Flag for Chrome

Posted: 12 Jul 2013 08:30 PM PDT

Surprisingly, some of the best browser extensions are the most simplest. This is the case with FlagFox and Flag for Chrome. Both extensions display the national flag of a website's server location in the URL bar of their respective browser. This little flag can serve some interesting purposes, for example it can let you know which country a server is located in or help you identify a phishing website. Extensions are a key part of the browser experience. Let's see which camp scores more points in this comparison!

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Read full article: Find Out Where A Website’s Server Is Located With FlagFox and Flag for Chrome

Check-In Much? 6 Interesting Uses For Your Foursquare Data

Posted: 12 Jul 2013 08:00 PM PDT

Foursquare is one of those apps that you either love or hate, and many feel it is just another part of the oversharing culture of our online Instagram, Facebook and Twitter lives, where everything we do finds a home on the Internet. While there is something to be said for cautious (or private) Foursquare sharing, there is also something to be said for harnessing all that data that you're saving. Here are six ideas that will help you put all those check-ins to good use.

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Read full article: Check-In Much? 6 Interesting Uses For Your Foursquare Data

11 Video Game Personalities To Follow On Twitter

Posted: 12 Jul 2013 06:30 PM PDT

Today, we are going to focus on video game personalities you can follow on Twitter. Plenty of journalists, developers, and brands post on Twitter all the time, and each one brings something interesting to the table. Sure, you can simply read video game articles to keep up with the latest video game news, but if you want a more candid view from the people in the industry, Twitter is the place to turn. Follow these people, and you will be happy you did.

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Read full article: 11 Video Game Personalities To Follow On Twitter

TouchCast Enables You to Create Powerful Interactive Videos on Your iPad

Posted: 12 Jul 2013 05:30 PM PDT

In the tradition of video production apps like Videolicious, Video Star, and Socialcam, the recently released free iPad-only app TouchCast helps you create and post interactive videos from your iPad 2 or later. Those of us familiar with creating YouTube videos using desktop programs like iMovie, ScreenFlow, or Camtasia know how powerful non-linear timeline productions can be and TouchCast brings another solution to the table. The app uses the iPad's built-in camera, a useful collection of widgets and a timeline editor to help users produce video productions almost on the fly.

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Read full article: TouchCast Enables You to Create Powerful Interactive Videos on Your iPad

Atom Launcher, Reviewed: Your Next Android Launcher?

Posted: 12 Jul 2013 04:30 PM PDT

I am not the kind of user who jumps to a different Android launcher every week. I've been using Nova Launcher for nearly a year now, I think – and before, I was using Go Launcher (and featured themes for it) even longer. That doesn't mean I don't occasionally become curious when an interesting contender shows up – and Atom Launcher is just such an alternative. What makes it interesting, to me, is that it's not another clone.

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Read full article: Atom Launcher, Reviewed: Your Next Android Launcher?

Tips For Fixing Common Windows Phone 8 Issues

Posted: 12 Jul 2013 03:30 PM PDT

Windows Phone 8: a great platform that is fast, slick and responsive. Most of the time. Windows Phone 8 is an improvement over Windows Phone 7, but while I enjoy its responsiveness, the ease with which I can perform particular tasks quickly and the way the OS syncs with SkyDrive, I'm more than aware that this is a platform with a few notable bugs. I've already looked at improving battery life on Windows Phone 8 and here are several more fixes for the most common issues.

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How to Stay Organized With the World’s Simplest To-Do System That Works – Todo.txt

Posted: 12 Jul 2013 02:30 PM PDT

TodoTxt Intro
Here at MakeUseOf, we've covered plenty of to-do systems in the past. But if you're like me, to-do systems can sometimes become too much work to maintain and end up costing you in productivity. I tend to procrastinate using my to-do lists because they can become cumbersome over time. I need to do a bunch of actions to add a single item. What if there was a system that eliminated all of that overhead and actually saved you time without skimping on the core features? Well, that system exists: Todo.txt.

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Read full article: How to Stay Organized With the World's Simplest To-Do System That Works – Todo.txt

9 Ways To Bookmark Your Favorite Folders In Windows

Posted: 12 Jul 2013 02:00 PM PDT

The Windows file system can be complicated, with folders scattered all over the place and even buried deep under other, hidden folders. If you need quick access to a variety of folders scattered across your file system -- or you just want easier access to one or two folders you frequently use -- there are a variety of ways you can bookmark these folders and make them more easily accessible. Whether you're using Windows 7 or Windows 8, these tips will give you quicker access to your most frequently used folders.

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Read full article: 9 Ways To Bookmark Your Favorite Folders In Windows

3 Great Android First Aid Apps For Emergencies

Posted: 12 Jul 2013 01:00 PM PDT

Have you ever found yourself in an emergency situation, suddenly wishing you could refer to a First-Aid guide to check if you were about to do the right thing? Many people in an emergency would panic in the face of a serious injury and second-guess any memories of first-aid training they may have from long ago. Just think about how much safer the patient would be, and how much more confident you would be helping them, if you had First-Aid instructions with you on your phone. This is a no-brainer - it's useful.

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Read full article: 3 Great Android First Aid Apps For Emergencies

Maintain Inbox Zero Daily With This Flow Chart

Posted: 12 Jul 2013 12:30 PM PDT

Personally, I try to maintain Inbox Zero despite receiving over 500 emails on a daily basis. That's zero unread emails -- that's right, I address every single email sent to me every morning. And trust me when I say, it's not easy. It takes me more than an hour to sift through them. All the while receiving even more emails -- can you believe it? Fortunately though, I get through them. With the help of this simple flow chart, almost anyone can achieve Inbox Zero.

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Read full article: Maintain Inbox Zero Daily With This Flow Chart

The Best Technologies That Will Drive Your Tablet In 2013

Posted: 12 Jul 2013 12:00 PM PDT

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This year, the tablet market will become saturated with a variety of CPUs designed specifically for tablets. Many major computer manufacturers unveiled all manner of touchscreen devices sporting such chips, with dramatic increases in performance and battery life. This article covers the latest and best of these tablet chips scheduled for release in 2013.

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Read full article: The Best Technologies That Will Drive Your Tablet In 2013

Make Your Own Tweet/Like/+1 To Unlock System with jQuery

Posted: 12 Jul 2013 11:00 AM PDT

Going viral used to mean a disease epidemic, but now it's something all content creators crave. You could rely on the quality of your content alone - if it's good enough, people will share it, right? Maybe. But you could also help things along by offering something extra of value to those who do share - a coupon, a download, or a smiley face sticker in the mail. Today I'll show you how to create your own like/tweet/+1 to unlock system with a little jQuery and the native APIs.

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Read full article: Make Your Own Tweet/Like/+1 To Unlock System with jQuery

Write Faster To Work Better: 5 Essential Tips To Improve Your Writing Speed Online

Posted: 12 Jul 2013 10:00 AM PDT

How do you write things at work without wasting the entire workday doing it? How do you pump out even more articles as a freelancer, without sacrificing quality? In this article, I'm going to draw from 7 years of paid freelance writing work, and 13 years of professional engineering technical writing experience, to answer those questions.

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Read full article: Write Faster To Work Better: 5 Essential Tips To Improve Your Writing Speed Online

Kinect Is Not The Only Game In Town: 3 Awesome Gesture Recognition Projects

Posted: 12 Jul 2013 09:20 AM PDT

The potential for gesture recognition seems massive, but so far, it's also an unknown. How should developers create apps for it, what's the best hardware, and how should the feature be standardized? These important questions are up in the air, so several companies are trying to answer them. Let's take a look at the front-runners.

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Read full article: Kinect Is Not The Only Game In Town: 3 Awesome Gesture Recognition Projects

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