
15 New Articles on MakeUseOf

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

15 New Articles on MakeUseOf

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Cool Websites & Tools – Street Safety Scores, Lightning Maps, & Domain Search For Hackers

Posted: 30 Jun 2014 09:31 PM PDT


StreetScore – is a machine learning algorithm that predicts how safe the image of a street looks to a human observer. StreetScore is trained to predict perceived safety using a ‘training dataset’ consisting of 3,000 street views from New York and Boston and their rankings for perceived safety obtained from Place Pulse — a crowdsourced survey. Blitzortung – is a world-wide, real-time, community based lightning detection and lightning location network with live lightning maps. By looking at the map of anywhere in the world, you can see where the lightning currently is. Just click on the desired continent and it...

Read the full article: Cool Websites & Tools – Street Safety Scores, Lightning Maps, & Domain Search For Hackers

This Flowchart Teaches You How To Identify Lights In The Sky

Posted: 30 Jun 2014 07:30 PM PDT

how to identify that light in the sky feat

Have you ever looked up at the night sky, saw a light moving and didn’t know whether it was a plane or a meteor? It happens. But if you had this flowchart, you’d be able to identify 90% of all moving lights in the sky. Roughly. This flowchart by the League of Lost Causes is designed to teach you to use your deduction skills to correctly lights in the sky according to whether they move, their sizes and other characteristics. It’s even available as a poster, postcard and a mug. Click to enlarge.

Read the full article: This Flowchart Teaches You How To Identify Lights In The Sky

Sweded: Watch 10 Hilarious Low Budget Movie Remakes [Stuff to Watch]

Posted: 30 Jun 2014 06:30 PM PDT

The term “sweded” comes from the 2008 Michael Gondry film Be Kind Rewind, in which the cast remake a string of successful films using low budget props after accidentally destroying the originals. As you can imagine, the Internet is the perfect platform for such a concept to truly flourish: people have been making their own sweded versions of movies ever since. The resulting films are odes to childhood favourites, both mocking and celebrating the cast, directors and tropes that make some of Hollywood’s most recognisable moments so iconic. Most of them are also pretty funny. Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of...

Read the full article: Sweded: Watch 10 Hilarious Low Budget Movie Remakes [Stuff to Watch]

3 iOS Games That Blur The Line Between Puzzle And RPG

Posted: 30 Jun 2014 02:00 PM PDT


Video games have been around for a long time, so it’s hard for developers to come up with completely new genres. What developers can do is merge existing ones into interesting new experiences. One idea is to take the puzzle genre, which is perfectly suited to touchscreen gaming, and add healthy serving of RPG elements in the form of combat, leveling and plundering dungeons for treasure. If you want some iPhone games that feel new and fresh, mashing-up two of the most fun genres is a great place to start. Puzzle Quest 2 ($1.99, freemium version) When the first Puzzle Quest came out on the Nintendo DS, I...

Read the full article: 3 iOS Games That Blur The Line Between Puzzle And RPG

4 Ways To Reduce Your Mobile Internet Data Usage With Android Apps

Posted: 30 Jun 2014 01:00 PM PDT

android data compression

You can reduce your mobile data usage without doing anything differently on your Android device. Just install and enable an app that functions as a compressing proxy. An intermediary will sit between you and the Internet, squishing your data down so it uses as little space as possible before travelling over your cellular carrier’s mobile data network. How it Works These solutions all work by routing your data through a third-party server. For example, let’s say you’re browsing to in your web browser. You’ll normally connect directly to our web servers and they’d send you the data that makes...

Read the full article: 4 Ways To Reduce Your Mobile Internet Data Usage With Android Apps

Geek Humor Included! Meet Cortana, Windows Phone 8.1 Digital Assistant

Posted: 30 Jun 2014 12:00 PM PDT


Windows Phone 8.1′s Siri rival Cortana is proving to be a great reason to upgrade early to the update, offering a wealth of useful voice-activated features, as well as a nice line in amusing, pithy responses to instructions that have little to do with booking appointments and making phone calls. Let’s take a look at just what she can do. Activating Cortana Before you get started with Cortana, you’ll have to upgrade to Windows Phone 8.1. If this isn’t available to you yet, you might consider the Developer Update as an alternative. Once this is installed, you’ll need to configure...

Read the full article: Geek Humor Included! Meet Cortana, Windows Phone 8.1 Digital Assistant

Escape The Dungeon Crawl: 4 Co-Op Campaigns Without Loot Grinding

Posted: 30 Jun 2014 11:00 AM PDT


When it comes to cooperative campaign gaming, many of the most popular titles are loot grinders. From the recently refined Loot 2.0 version of Diablo III to the shoot-and-loot wastelands of Borderlands 2, you’ve got more than enough great choices if that’s your thing. If, however, you’re tired of playing Backpack Organizer 2014, there are plenty of great co-op campaigns that won’t have you comparing and swapping gear every 10 minutes. Check out these awesome games with full cooperative campaigns that take you off the well-worn treasure collecting path. Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light (PC, PS3, 360) With...

Read the full article: Escape The Dungeon Crawl: 4 Co-Op Campaigns Without Loot Grinding

Search And Replace Text In Chrome To Boost Your Productivity Online

Posted: 30 Jun 2014 10:00 AM PDT


Being able to find and replace text in Chrome, can save you loads of time and enhance productivity. But as this is not a native tool, we’ll show you the best Chrome extensions for the job. Chrome is hands down the King of all browsers with no heirs in the waiting. But, there are some features that I sometimes wish were included in this capable browser. One of these is native ‘Search and Replace’, a standard feature in Word processing applications that users expect when editing any content. There are a few situations that come to mind where a native...

Read the full article: Search And Replace Text In Chrome To Boost Your Productivity Online

TrueCrypt Is Dead: 4 Disk Encryption Alternatives For Windows

Posted: 30 Jun 2014 09:00 AM PDT


If you haven’t heard, TrueCrypt is no more. If you still have older versions of the program, you can continue to use them but be aware that there may be unfixed security issues in those versions. The safer course of action would be to migrate over to another solution entirely. You had a good run, TrueCrypt, but now it’s time to say farewell. For those who aren’t yet convinced that data encryption is necessary, you ought to check out these reasons to encrypt your digital life. It’s not just for the paranoid, I assure you. The alternatives covered in this...

Read the full article: TrueCrypt Is Dead: 4 Disk Encryption Alternatives For Windows

Mario, Hyrule, Splatoon: Here’s How Nintendo Won E3 2014

Posted: 30 Jun 2014 08:00 AM PDT


E3: the world’s biggest annual gaming event. General consensus: Nintendo knocked it out of the park. E3 challenges console competitors to showcase their coolest games for the next year or so. It’s the place to be if you want to get previews of Microsoft, Sony and Nintendo’s upcoming heavy-hitters. With shaky sales since the launch of the Wii U, very few expected it – but this year’s stand-out company is Nintendo. Here’s why. New Ideas Many companies are retreading old ground, releasing sequels in abundance. Nintendo is too. But this year’s crop of games features some brilliant concepts. The giant...

Read the full article: Mario, Hyrule, Splatoon: Here’s How Nintendo Won E3 2014

6 Awesome YouTube Videos To Help You Learn Android Development

Posted: 30 Jun 2014 07:00 AM PDT


Show — don’t tell. Being able to watch someone do something as they tell you what’s happening has been the way of conveying knowledge since before written language. Maybe that’s why how-to videos are so popular. Yet when you have a half-billion people posting how-to videos, there will be more videos that suck than are successful. Let’s turn up the good and turn down the suck in this list of Android programming video tutorials on YouTube. If you want to see who my personal favourite is, you’ll have to stick it out to the end of the article. If you’re just testing...

Read the full article: 6 Awesome YouTube Videos To Help You Learn Android Development

The Big Guide To Printing From Your iPhone or iPad

Posted: 30 Jun 2014 06:00 AM PDT


Wirelessly printing photos and documents straight from your iPhone and iPad can be as easy as sending someone a text message, using one of several built-in and third-party options. Though paperless reading and sharing of documents is easy and affordable these days, there are occasions when we all still need to use print documents and photos on paper. Apple’s printing technology AirPrint and a few handy third-party apps and cloud services support a wide range of printing options whatever you’re working on. Here’s how to print from your iPhone or iPad to just about any printer. AirPrint The default option for printing documents...

Read the full article: The Big Guide To Printing From Your iPhone or iPad

MSI GS70 StealthPro-024 Gaming Laptop Review and Giveaway

Posted: 30 Jun 2014 05:30 AM PDT

msi gs70 stealthpro 024 laptop review feat

When we think of top-of-the-line gaming computers, we generally gravitate towards desktops. Quite simply, they come with beefier hardware that can remain cooler than their laptop brethren. However, when designed correctly, it’s possible for a gaming laptop to have monster specifications that can rival even some of the most powerful gaming desktops. We’ve decided to grab an $1,800 MSI GS70 StealthPro-024 gaming laptop and see how well it can compare to a desktop. Can it run the latest games without issue? Does it offer a comfortable feel for extended gaming sessions. All of these questions and more will be answered in...

Read the full article: MSI GS70 StealthPro-024 Gaming Laptop Review and Giveaway

The MPAA Targets A Subreddit & Opens Everyone’s Eyes To Free Movies

Posted: 30 Jun 2014 05:00 AM PDT


SOPA and PIPA terrified those of us who cherish the Internet for what it has become today. In light of these bills, the MPAA embarrassed itself on numerous occasions, once even citing countries like China, Iran, and Syria as role models of sorts when it comes to how they think the Internet should be censored by the US. This week, they’re at it again, opening our eyes to a beautiful example of the Streisand effect: The Streisand effect is the phenomenon whereby an attempt to hide, remove, or censor a piece of information has the unintended consequence of publicizing the...

Read the full article: The MPAA Targets A Subreddit & Opens Everyone’s Eyes To Free Movies

Facebook Experiments On Users, Having Sex With Your iPad, And More… [Tech News Digest]

Posted: 30 Jun 2014 04:30 AM PDT


Also, The Internet’s Own Boy is one documentary worth watching, BlackBerry invites us all to check our facts, Photoshop Express lands on Windows Phone, binge-watching is bad for your health, and Apple paints the iPhone as an extra parent. Facebook Conducts Experiment On Users Let’s call the Facebook experiment what it is: a symptom of a much wider failure to think about ethics, power and consent on platforms. — Kate Crawford (@katecrawford) June 28, 2014 In 2012, Facebook conducted an experiment on almost 700,000 users to test the emotional impact of using the social network. The experiment saw data scientists...

Read the full article: Facebook Experiments On Users, Having Sex With Your iPad, And More… [Tech News Digest]

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