
15 New Articles on MakeUseOf

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

15 New Articles on MakeUseOf

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Testing more things

Posted: 12 Nov 2013 04:00 PM PST

Read the full article: Testing more things

Cool Websites & Tools – Launch Your Own Crowdfunding Page, Compress PDF Files, & Speed-Read 500+ Words A Minute

Posted: 12 Nov 2013 03:30 PM PST


Impala – is the first app in the world that automatically sorts the photos on your phone. You do not have to manually label each and every one of them – Impala “looks” into your images and videos and recognizes what's inside. For instance, Impala can recognize cats, sunsets, beaches, and so on. Impala then automatically creates photo albums and organizes your photos. Crowdhoster – Launch your own crowdfunding page without touching a line of code. Currently invite-only, CrowdHoster is open-source, and therefore the code can be viewed on GitHub. It includes a funding progress bar, sharing links, and customizable...

Read the full article: Cool Websites & Tools – Launch Your Own Crowdfunding Page, Compress PDF Files, & Speed-Read 500+ Words A Minute

The Best Windows 8 Facebook Apps Compared [Weekly Facebook Tips]

Posted: 12 Nov 2013 02:30 PM PST


It took Facebook a pretty long time to get around to releasing an official Windows 8 app, so it’s not surprising that most Facebook users already have an app or ten. But which ones are worth keeping? And why? You may have been one of many people waiting for all of the best official Windows 8 apps to arrive on the scene, but it’s worth noting that once these official apps do arrive, they don’t always make the best use of Modern (Metro) UI. In fact, you might be better off using one of the specially made alternatives. Let’s take...

Read the full article: The Best Windows 8 Facebook Apps Compared [Weekly Facebook Tips]

Trackthisforme: An Android App For Keeping Tabs On Your Sleep, Exercise, And Other Important Numbers

Posted: 12 Nov 2013 02:00 PM PST


How many hours did you sleep last night? And the same day a week ago? How much did you sleep in the past week, total? These may seem like questions you can just think about and answer, but over time, sleep trends can affect our mood, our work, and our general well-being. This is just one example of a number you might want to keep track of, and correlate with your life over time. Trackthisforme is a free and interesting Android app that lets you track some of these variables in a beautiful, compelling interface. It’s nice for beginners, although...

Read the full article: Trackthisforme: An Android App For Keeping Tabs On Your Sleep, Exercise, And Other Important Numbers

Virgin Cosplayers Eating Candy Burgers During Thor’s Movember [Weird & Wonderful Web]

Posted: 12 Nov 2013 01:30 PM PST

Weird & Wonderful Web… A compendium of online awesomeness. This week, discover how much virginity is worth, see kids crying over lost candy, find out how to obtain a creepy LED stickman costume, watch how video game title screens have evolved over the years, see cosplayers relaxing at home, learn how Japanese women eat burgers, read the truth about working at Google, see Thor’s hammer made real, discover which politicians are actually reptilian aliens, and take part in Movember without having to grow a moustache. Your Virginity Is Worth $27,950 OK, so maybe yours is worth more than that, or...

Read the full article: Virgin Cosplayers Eating Candy Burgers During Thor’s Movember [Weird & Wonderful Web]

How To Bypass Internet Censorship

Posted: 12 Nov 2013 01:00 PM PST


If you live in a free and democratic society, the idea that someone can control your browsing choices probably is quite disturbing. Employers blocking Facebook during working hours may be acceptable. What a free society should completely oppose, however, is censorship based on someone else’s moral code, religious belief or political ideology. Irrespective of who does the censoring, the methods used are more or less the same. This article examines some of the most common methods used to filter content as well as emerging trends. In each case, I have provided a solution or practical workaround. The Current State Of...

Read the full article: How To Bypass Internet Censorship

Want to Stream Music From Your PC To Wherever You Are?

Posted: 12 Nov 2013 12:00 PM PST


What’s the easiest way to take your entire music library with you, no matter where you go? Google Play Music, of course. But what if you don’t want to use the cloud? Well, you could also stream directly from your PC to your phone. It’s trickier to set up than Google Play Music and may involve tweaking your router’s settings, but it’s far from rocket science. Music streaming has been around for quite a while. You’ve got Pandora, Songza (our review), and Jango (our review), all of which can stream music for free in an Internet radio format. Or you...

Read the full article: Want to Stream Music From Your PC To Wherever You Are?

Apple’s Next Creation: Is This The Upcoming AppleTV?

Posted: 12 Nov 2013 11:30 AM PST


There are rumors amongst fans (as well as the industry) that Apple is working on revolutionising the television, and change the way we enjoy movies and TV shows at home. Will it called the iTV? The new AppleTV? Will it be more than just an upgraded AppleTV? Will it also come in gold, like the iPhone 5s? Will it feature a curved screen? Only time will tell. Tired of waiting for Apple, industrial designer Martin Hajek whipped up his version of the allegedly upcoming iTV (or AppleTV, whatever it’ll be called). His design is based on the iMac, only the...

Read the full article: Apple’s Next Creation: Is This The Upcoming AppleTV?

8 Great Movie Review Sites For Parents With Kids In Mind

Posted: 12 Nov 2013 11:00 AM PST


You’re ready to put The Wolverine into the DVD player, then suddenly you wonder if this movie will be a problem for your 8-year-old. Well, will it? If you’re a parent with a family who loves movies, you’ve probably realised that you need to be able to get some reliable information on those movies before you show them to the family. But navigating the various movie sites to find child-friendly titles can be a chore. Today we’ll explore a few of the best movie review sites for kids so that you can choose the best go-to site for your family’s...

Read the full article: 8 Great Movie Review Sites For Parents With Kids In Mind

Follow Rihanna On Twitter “Cause She’s Purty” [We Ask You Results]

Posted: 12 Nov 2013 10:30 AM PST

Unlike the terrible trio of preening popstars that is Katy Perry, Justin Bieber, and Lady Gaga, us normies can never hope to gain millions of followers on Twitter. Famous people can rely solely on their name to get them followers; were they never to tweet they’d still rack up enviable numbers. Thankfully fame isn’t the only reason there is to follow people on Twitter. With Twitter having now become a public company thanks to its impressive IPO, the questions of why we follow who we follow and how to gain followers ourselves, are intriguing and timely ones. Which is why...

Read the full article: Follow Rihanna On Twitter “Cause She's Purty” [We Ask You Results]

So Your iPhone Was Lost or Stolen: Here’s What To Do

Posted: 12 Nov 2013 10:00 AM PST


If your iPhone is no longer in your possession, you might never see it again and the last thing you want to worry about is data security. Here’s what you need to do. Data theft can be just as damaging (if not more so) than losing a very expensive gadget. Your iPhone might be your pride and joy, but just imagine if someone gained access to your email, bank or social media accounts – wouldn’t that potentially be worse? Here’s what to do when the unthinkable happens. Use Find My iPhone With the power of iCloud it’s now possible to locate...

Read the full article: So Your iPhone Was Lost or Stolen: Here’s What To Do

Gmail Makes It Easier To Get Things Done With More Quick Action Buttons

Posted: 12 Nov 2013 09:30 AM PST


Gmail has added more "Quick Action" buttons to the inbox which helps you carry out tasks with nothing more than a click. Quick action buttons were first incorporated in Gmail next to specific kinds of messages. They are located to the right of the subject while viewing your inbox, and at the top of an open message. These time-savers allow you to perform an action in response to the email without opening the said email. The quick action buttons were introduced in May this year. The first batch included a RSVP button that let you respond quickly to a party...

Read the full article: Gmail Makes It Easier To Get Things Done With More Quick Action Buttons

The Art Of The Apology: How To Say Sorry With An Email (And Mean It)

Posted: 12 Nov 2013 09:00 AM PST


Let's face it; we all screw up from time to time. We're humans. It's part of what we do. Knowing how to display contrition and make amends is a very important skill to have. It allows the wronged party to move past any perceived slight, and more importantly it provides an opportunity for reflection on what caused you to upset another person. Email is a great medium for this. Although being a bit less personal than a face-to-face conversation, it allows you to compose your thoughts in a way which is unambiguous and direct, and reduces the need to be...

Read the full article: The Art Of The Apology: How To Say Sorry With An Email (And Mean It)

How To Run WhatsApp & Other Mobile Messaging Apps On Your PC

Posted: 12 Nov 2013 08:00 AM PST


Mobile messaging apps like WhatsApp, Viber, Kik Messenger, Kakao Talk, Line, and BlackBerry Messenger, which recently launched on Android & iOS, are all the rage these days. Which one is popular depends on which country you live in, but most of them have one thing in common: They don’t run on Windows. No web interface, no Windows desktop app, not even a Windows 8 app. But you can use them on your computer anyway. If you’re lucky, your service of choice will offer a Windows solution — like Viber’s desktop app – but most don’t. To get around this, we’ll be using a trick that...

Read the full article: How To Run WhatsApp & Other Mobile Messaging Apps On Your PC

Twitterrific 5 Gets A New Update With Improved Profile Layout And More

Posted: 12 Nov 2013 07:30 AM PST


Iconfactory has rolled out a very nice update to Twitterrific 5 on iOS that adds some slick new features while fixing some of the bugs that have been an issue for many users of the application. This update offers some great improvements to the premium Twitter client, which should make its many paying users very happy. The biggest change to the app, and one that is all happening behind the scenes is a major speed increase to the way the it runs. The company cites many performance enhancements throughout the app, and according to early user reports, the difference in speed...

Read the full article: Twitterrific 5 Gets A New Update With Improved Profile Layout And More

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