
15 New Articles on MakeUseOf

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

15 New Articles on MakeUseOf

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Cool Websites & Tools – How Much Does Twitter Owe You, Recommend More Websites, & Block Annoying Words In Twitter

Posted: 18 Nov 2013 03:30 PM PST


Google In Education – Discover, purchase, and share educational apps, books, and videos easily with Google Play for Education – a new online destination just for schools. Browse content by grade, subject, or standard including Common Core. Purchase via PO with no credit card required. Distribute apps instantly via the cloud. How Much Money Does Twitter Owe You? – Now that Twitter has a market capitalization of at least $24.9 billion, more than a few of the social network's 230 million users have noticed their tweets are making other people rich. Many people want their cut. So what would that...

Read the full article: Cool Websites & Tools – How Much Does Twitter Owe You, Recommend More Websites, & Block Annoying Words In Twitter

Rdio: One of the Best Music Streaming Apps for iPhone

Posted: 18 Nov 2013 02:00 PM PST


I’ve been a long-time subscriber to the music streaming site, because it saves me from buying songs and albums I might only listen to a few times, and provides me with a network of contacts who help me discover new music I might enjoy. Rdio provides a free limited music streaming service, but for $5 per month you can stream unlimited music via the Rdio web browser or desktop client. For an extra $5 per month, you can have Rdio streaming to your iPhone, over both a Wi-Fi and cellular connection. If that’s not enough, you can also save songs and albums to...

Read the full article: Rdio: One of the Best Music Streaming Apps for iPhone

Computer Monitors For Gaming: How Do You Choose The Right One?

Posted: 18 Nov 2013 01:00 PM PST


A monitor isn't the most exciting piece of equipment you can attach to a computer, and plummeting prices on low-end models have encouraged many buyers to opt for whatever offers a big screen at a budget price. For the average user, that's fine; but for a gamer, that'd be a mistake. Gaming is a primarily visual experience, after all. The display you use to play a game can not only determine its beauty, but can also determine how quickly you're able to react to opponents. Here's what you need to know before pulling the trigger on your next gaming monitor....

Read the full article: Computer Monitors For Gaming: How Do You Choose The Right One?

Flipboard Launches on Win 8.1 With Live Tiles, Introduces Catalogues

Posted: 18 Nov 2013 12:30 PM PST


Flipboard, which makes personalized social magazines for you on Android and iOS, has finally launched a native app for Windows 8.1 that takes advantage of the new Live Tiles. The service has also embraced e-commerce to launch a Pinterest-like catalogue feature. The Flipboard Live Tile gives you an up-to-date look at all the content you've subscribed to, along with the ability to pin specific Flipboard selections to your Start Screen. In the app, you can swipe up from the bottom for Subscribe, Refresh, Edit, Flip It, and other options, while swiping down from the top brings up suggestions like what...

Read the full article: Flipboard Launches on Win 8.1 With Live Tiles, Introduces Catalogues

Mr Reader – A Spanking Great iPad App For Keeping On Top Of RSS Feeds

Posted: 18 Nov 2013 12:00 PM PST


When Google Reader passed away earlier this year, I was really hacked off. I depend on RSS feeds for a living. Only from reading RSS feeds do I find stories to write about which translates to cold hard cash. So when my beloved Google Reader left this earth, I was left looking for a suitable alternative. My criteria was very strict – it had to instantly synchronise with a suitable iPhone app, as well as a suitable web-based RSS reader. The search took quite some time. I must have tried countless apps and sites. I tried ones that appeared in...

Read the full article: Mr Reader – A Spanking Great iPad App For Keeping On Top Of RSS Feeds

Caption Contest: I’ve Arrived!

Posted: 18 Nov 2013 11:30 AM PST

caption contest static

Never text and drive, people! Instead, you should share your funniest captions with us in the comment section! You’ll be in the running to win a free MakeUseOf t-shirt and rise to fame! And congratulations to the winner of the previous contest “Pro Gamer“: Gary W. with his caption,”I’ve heard he is compensating for having a small gamepad.”

Read the full article: Caption Contest: I’ve Arrived!

How To Increase Storage Space On Windows 8.1 Devices With SD Cards

Posted: 18 Nov 2013 11:00 AM PST


Windows 8.1 devices are all full PCs — yes, even the tablets — and often support SD cards. This allows you to easily expand your PC’s storage. Just insert an SD card and you can treat it as a “permanent” part of your device. The SD card will likely be slower than your device’s built-in storage, but it’s a great way to store music, videos, pictures, and other files. The original release of Windows 8 didn’t have very good support for SD cards. You couldn’t easily access them from Windows 8-style apps without going through some obscure tricks on the...

Read the full article: How To Increase Storage Space On Windows 8.1 Devices With SD Cards

Evernote Releases New Safari Web Clipper Featuring Annotation Tools and Reader View

Posted: 18 Nov 2013 10:30 AM PST


If you like reading, annotating and clipping web content, you might be interested to know that Evernote has just released a new update to their Web Clipper for Safari. The Evernote web extension is redesigned and includes Clipper markup tools to highlight and annotate content in different colors, as well block out content and add layered text on a page. If you’re an existing user of the Evernote Clipper, restart your Safari web browser and the clipper extension should automatically update. If you have never installed the extension, click here to download and install the Web Clipper for Safari. With...

Read the full article: Evernote Releases New Safari Web Clipper Featuring Annotation Tools and Reader View

Simplicity To The Rescue: 4 Apps You Can Use To Tame The Web

Posted: 18 Nov 2013 10:00 AM PST


As a netizen wading through a busy and messy web space, you can be easily overwhelmed by your online life. Add to that the number of devices you juggle and the amount of content you take in, and you have a recipe for a nervous breakdown right there. Is there some way to tame this clutter, you ask? Of course there is! Taking a digital vacation may not be possible for most of us. But you can learn to keep the web from throttling you, by simplifying your daily online activities. We have four apps lined up to help you do just...

Read the full article: Simplicity To The Rescue: 4 Apps You Can Use To Tame The Web

The 8 Best Portable Hard Drives You Can Buy Right Now

Posted: 18 Nov 2013 09:00 AM PST


External hard drives make more sense than internal drives these days. You can connect one to any device, hook it up to your router for access on any gadget, and always carry your data with you without having to lug your whole laptop around. It’s been a while since we told you about some of the best external hard drives to buy and a lot has changed since then. 2.5-inch portable drives have reached the sweet spot between storage and price, and most of them are capacious enough that you won’t have to consider large 3.5-inch external drives. New technologies...

Read the full article: The 8 Best Portable Hard Drives You Can Buy Right Now

6 Soft Skills Every Technology Worker Needs For Career Success

Posted: 18 Nov 2013 08:00 AM PST


Imagine you’ve attended two presentations. In the first, the presenter reads from his Powerpoint slides, barely looks at the audience, and ends the presentation without accepting questions. The second presenter opens with an entertaining story, walks through the presentation with energy and emotion, and closes with a meaningful Q&A session with the audience. Which presentation do you think you’d be more likely to remember? The same thing is true at a job interview. You may have all of the necessary technical skills (hard skills) required for the job, but it’s the person that can look the interviewer in the eyes,...

Read the full article: 6 Soft Skills Every Technology Worker Needs For Career Success

The Italian City Of Venice Is Now On Google Street-View

Posted: 18 Nov 2013 07:30 AM PST


There’s something unique about Venice – it has a lot of water in and around it, which means that it is impossible for a car to get anywhere near it. So you would think that this would prevent Google Street-View from getting anywhere near it, right? Well wrong. If Venice thought they were safe from Google by virtue of water, they were badly mistaken, because Google found a unique way around the situation – with their Trekker technology. From the looks of things, the Trekker technology consists of a round green camera which is mounted on a person’s back and...

Read the full article: The Italian City Of Venice Is Now On Google Street-View

5 Ways To Make Sure You Get The Best Deals On Steam Games

Posted: 18 Nov 2013 07:00 AM PST


Before you open up Steam and drop some cash on some new games, you should know that there are a few tips that you can take advantage of to maximize the value of your dollar. Steam is known for being super convenient for managing one's video game library, and it's also useful in a few other ways, but did you know that with a bit of effort you can obtain new games for huge discounts? Sometimes even for free! Some have eschewed Steam altogether, but I think it's wonderful because the Steam store is pretty much its own marketplace. The...

Read the full article: 5 Ways To Make Sure You Get The Best Deals On Steam Games

Pocket Gets Smarter With Highlights, A Redesigned Interface, & More Features

Posted: 18 Nov 2013 06:30 AM PST


Pocket has announced version 5.0, a raft of new changes which makes their service even better. They are designed to stop interesting content from being buried and forgotten about, as you add even more every day. The iPhone and iPad apps are out now, while the Android version will be out on November 20th. Design and aesthetics is everything – an app has to look good and feel good to make people want to use it. Especially if you have hundreds of unread articles to get through. Thankfully, Pocket really does look great. The first and probably the most important...

Read the full article: Pocket Gets Smarter With Highlights, A Redesigned Interface, & More Features

What The Windows XPocalypse Means For You

Posted: 18 Nov 2013 06:00 AM PST


If there is one thing that Microsoft has an aptitude for, it's pomp. Windows 95 launched to a soundtrack scored by none other than The Rolling Stones and Weezer. For Vista, Redmond made sure that those who turned up to the launch party were given enough worthless tat to fill a landfill. However, nothing quite topped the vainglorious fanfare of the launch of XP, which saw New York turned into a literal, honest-to-god fairground, which was scored with a performance by Geordie crooner, Sting. Few technology products are quite as well loved as Windows XP was. In the first three...

Read the full article: What The Windows XPocalypse Means For You

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