
Giveaway of the Day

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Giveaway of the Day

Erase files completely with File Washer 6 so that they can never be recovered again.

Posted: 07 Nov 2013 12:00 AM PST

File Washer helps users ro erase files completely so that they can never be recovered again. You can switch between 11 different deleting methods, and all of them overwrite your old file before removing so the only thing that could ever be recovered will be senseless data.

One of these deleting procedures is the famous "Gutman Method", that probably is one of the best ways to erase data by overwriting it 35 times.

Also there was added a special fun feature: a deleting method that overwrites the files you want to delete with another file. So whenever someone tries to reverse the wiping, he only gets the file you want him to receive.

Note that the 5 best improvement ideas will be rewarded with a full-functioning life-time licence code of Security Box. Use Idea Informer widget to submit your feedback and do not forget to fill in your name and e-mail – otherwise the Developer will not be able to contact you in case you are the one to win!

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