
Giveaway of the Day

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Giveaway of the Day

Chronograph is a simple utility that synchronizes your computer’s internal clock to the atomic time.

Posted: 16 Nov 2013 12:00 AM PST

Are you sure your computer clock always shows the current time? Because if it doesn't the consequences might be much worse than just a messed up personal schedule. Contrary to what you might think, showing time to a user is not the most important function of a computer clock. This clock is also used for many critical system processes like creating files and managing programs execution. That's why incorrect time can cause various problems from mere wrong time stamps in your e-mail to system instability in the worst case scenario.

A typical computer clock is very often inaccurate, and you have to set the time frequently. This can be rather annoying. So, use Chronograph to keep your time synchronized to the atomic clock servers of the US National Institute of Standards and Technology. Chronograph does its job automatically with an accuracy of a fraction of a second. Keep your computer stable and reliable, download Chronograph now!

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