
15 New Articles on MakeUseOf

Friday, August 23, 2013

15 New Articles on MakeUseOf

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Cool Websites and Tools – August 22nd 2013 – School Grades, Legal Bills, & Storyboards

Posted: 22 Aug 2013 03:01 PM PDT

cwt logo static

Today in Cool Websites and Tools, we take a look at 5 cool websites, including teachers managing students online, an online motivational tool, submitting legal bills into a dashboard, booking buses and trains in the NE USA, and storyboarding for students and business people. Read on below! – is a simple and beautiful way for teachers to manage their students, grades, and assignments online. Easily manage multiple classes without having to jump through hoops, so you can spend more time focusing on your classes. Add and manage assignments, without any fluff. They provide you everything you need to manage...

Read the full article: Cool Websites and Tools – August 22nd 2013 – School Grades, Legal Bills, & Storyboards

5 Special Edition Video Games That Every Collector Wants To Have

Posted: 22 Aug 2013 01:00 PM PDT

Golden Zelda Cartridge

My fascination with abnormal video games started with the NES. I was never big on baseball, but I remember playing R.B.I. Baseball simply because it came as a special black cartridge, and it was easy to find in my pile of games. Although it was no special edition, the cartridge for The Legend of Zelda was gold in color and had a glittery texture to it. I’m unsure if it was the intention, but the aesthetic differences between games such as these two, and others, probably worked really well as a marketing strategy. It made them look important, and it...

Read the full article: 5 Special Edition Video Games That Every Collector Wants To Have

U.DTR: Ultra Desktop Replacement Concept Design

Posted: 22 Aug 2013 12:30 PM PDT


Desktops are being replaced by laptops in the workplace and at home. Users don’t really mind sacrificing screen estate for portability and convenience of being able to bring their work home with them. However, working with a 15-inch screen can be less than ideal. U.DTR is a concept design aimed at bridging the gap between desktop and laptop by providing desktop-esque ergonomics and flexibility while maintaining the portability of a laptop. The Ultra Desktop Replacement is the brainchild of industrial designer Marin Myftiu, and it is absolutely gorgeous. Marin explored the boundaries of technology with his concept design, all the...

Read the full article: U.DTR: Ultra Desktop Replacement Concept Design

How to Replace or Upgrade the SSD in Your Windows 8 Tablet

Posted: 22 Aug 2013 11:45 AM PDT


With less than 4 GB of storage remaining on my Windows 8 tablet – and the majority of useful applications, cloud storage and games installed on my external USB 3.0 drive – I decided that it was time to upgrade the tiny 64 GB mSATA SSD. The mSATA SSD is essentially a tiny card, upon which several storage modules are mounted, was now too small for my purposes. Without the advantage of an SD card slot on my Acer Iconia W7 series tablet, opening the device and replacing the mSATA SSD card with a high capacity replacement was really the...

Read the full article: How to Replace or Upgrade the SSD in Your Windows 8 Tablet

10 Videos Exploring The Internet As It Was In The 1990s

Posted: 22 Aug 2013 10:45 AM PDT


The history of the Internet stretches back as far as 1969, but it didn’t become popular until the 1990s when the whole thing became commercialized, ISPs started offering access, and the World Wide Web emerged to give normal people something to actually do online. In the developed world, only around 10 percent of people had access to the Internet in 1997, but in 2013 the figure had risen to around 77 percent. Globally it was just 2 percent in 1997, but was 39 percent in 2013. With that in mind, what did the Internet look like to people in the...

Read the full article: 10 Videos Exploring The Internet As It Was In The 1990s

Improve Your Online Shopping Experience With These Amazon Extensions For Chrome

Posted: 22 Aug 2013 10:00 AM PDT


Do you shop on Amazon? Even if you don’t shop there regularly, you must have purchased at least an item or two in the past year. What is it about Amazon that makes shopping so easy? Is it good prices? A good shopping experience? Free shipping? Amazon Prime perks? All of the above? With its unquestionable advantages, Amazon is slowly biting bigger and bigger chunks out of smaller businesses and stores. With its almost unlimited budget, it can offer things almost no other business can, and being so popular, it also offers the widest selection of add-ons, extensions, plugins, and...

Read the full article: Improve Your Online Shopping Experience With These Amazon Extensions For Chrome

Are You In A Rush To Make Money From Home? Spot 7 Work At Home Scams

Posted: 22 Aug 2013 09:45 AM PDT


Wealth, speed, ethics — when it comes to money, you can only pick two. When it comes to working from home, it’s very likely that you won’t get a chance to even pick one of them. That’s because most opportunities to make money from home are simply scams. While there are some ways to make money from home, there are more ways to get scammed than there are authentic opportunities for profit. Below are seven work at home scams that are quite popular but not always easy to spot. We’ve done the hard work for you, so check them out. A Personal E-Store! Quite...

Read the full article: Are You In A Rush To Make Money From Home? Spot 7 Work At Home Scams

Will You Be Buying Either A “Gold” iPhone Or “Cheap” iPhone? [We Ask You]

Posted: 22 Aug 2013 09:30 AM PDT

As we found out during last week’s We Ask You discussion about smartphone operating systems, Apple has a rabid fanbase who will defend their chosen team against the bullying behemoth that Android has become. But what will the faithful make of Apple’s latest hardware offerings, due to be announced in September? Anyone who spends any time reading technology sites on the Interweb will know that Apple news and rumors form a hefty chunk of some sites’ output. The last month has seen an uptick in the sheer weight of stories surrounding Cupertino and what Tim Cook, Jony Ive, and co....

Read the full article: Will You Be Buying Either A “Gold” iPhone Or “Cheap” iPhone? [We Ask You]

Medium: An Alternative Blogging Platform From The Founders Of Twitter

Posted: 22 Aug 2013 09:00 AM PDT


Twitter’s co-founders Evan Williams and Biz Stone launched their own blogging platform, Medium, about a year ago. When it first launched, we asked ourselves if it would take off or not, and it’s still a bit difficult to answer the question. In its closed beta phase, you can sign up and begin reading content posted on Medium straight away, you can’t start posting until you’re granted access. The roll out for access has been a slow-going process, and in some cases, has taken at least a year for users to get posting privileges. The founders say that the aim is...

Read the full article: Medium: An Alternative Blogging Platform From The Founders Of Twitter

Google Chrome 29 Adds Smarter Omnibox Suggestions & Other Tweaks [Updates]

Posted: 22 Aug 2013 08:30 AM PDT


Chrome 29 is the latest build of the browser and it now comes with a smarter Omnibox. The Omnibox brought in a faster way to search with auto-suggestions, and now it gets better with some improvements under the hood. Google says that desktop browser users will see better Omnibox suggestions based on the recency of websites visited, “resulting in more timely and contextually relevant suggestions.” Mac users haven’t been left out in the cold either, as this version has support for rich notifications for apps and extensions that keeps the user in the loop as an app goes about its...

Read the full article: Google Chrome 29 Adds Smarter Omnibox Suggestions & Other Tweaks [Updates]

5 Signs The Oculus Rift is Going To Be A Storming Success

Posted: 22 Aug 2013 08:00 AM PDT


Oculus Rift is going to change gaming, forever – the hype hasn’t just fizzled it, it’s been sustained for the past year and only growing. The age of VR is now upon us; immersive experiences are where the cool kids are heading. My illustrious gaming editor Dave disagrees with me (you can hear our argumentative banter every week on Technophilia, Wednesdays at 4pm UK time) – but he’s wrong, and spends most of his time playing 20 year old games anyway. Here for your consideration are 5 rock-solid reasons we already know the Rift is going to change computing, forever....

Read the full article: 5 Signs The Oculus Rift is Going To Be A Storming Success

Stop Searching For Coupons! Promofly Will Find Them For You

Posted: 22 Aug 2013 07:30 AM PDT


The wait is now over. Promofly is finally open to everyone, with some nice new features to boot. If you love shopping online, this is a great way to save money easily. Almost a year ago, I told you about Promofly — a service that helps you easily find and use valid promo codes for thousands of stores. Almost a year has passed, but nothing much changed in the promo-code arena. We’re still shopping online, and we’re still eager to find those cool codes that provide instant discounts off the products we want. There are many websites in which you...

Read the full article: Stop Searching For Coupons! Promofly Will Find Them For You

The 10 Best MMOs For The Mac

Posted: 22 Aug 2013 07:00 AM PDT


Gaming on the Mac has always been a bit difficult, and many players turn to Boot Camp as their all-in-one solution for finding great games that work with OS X. This solution has its downsides, however, not the least of which is the annoyance of constantly switching between OS X and Windows. Fortunately, some genres of games now offer a wide enough selection to keep the average Mac gamer happy. Perhaps the best example is the MMO, a hugely popular category that used to ignore the Mac, but, over the last five years, has seen more and more games offer...

Read the full article: The 10 Best MMOs For The Mac

YouTube Android Now Allows Minimizing Of Videos While Browsing And Searching [Updates]

Posted: 22 Aug 2013 06:30 AM PDT


Google has been rolling out some major changes to its YouTube app lately, and it looks like the Android version of the app has received a useful – albeit comparatively minor – change to its interface. In short, this significant change will allow users to minimize videos while they browse or search while in-app. In the past, Android’s YouTube users absolutely had to stop the video whenever searching and browsing, limiting the otherwise fluid nature of the app. The new version of the Android YouTube app will minimize the video to the lower-right screen of your phone and continue to...

Read the full article: YouTube Android Now Allows Minimizing Of Videos While Browsing And Searching [Updates]

Secret Feedly Hacks: Open Articles in Tabs, Integrate with Evernote and More

Posted: 22 Aug 2013 06:00 AM PDT

google reader and feedly dead

Dying for an RSS aggregator superior to Google Reader? With the right browser extensions, Feedly steamrolls the competition. Its extensions and other tricks can open articles in background tabs, add saved articles to Evernote and more! Best of all, it's free! I tested out a variety of Feedly extensions and IFTTT recipes. Five of these proved indispensable, turning Feedly from the best Google Reader replacement to the best RSS reader ever made. My top seven favorites: Feedly Preview Window (Chrome) If you're like me, you use Feedly to jet through RSS feeds. To get my reading done quickly, I prefer opening...

Read the full article: Secret Feedly Hacks: Open Articles in Tabs, Integrate with Evernote and More

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