
15 New Articles on MakeUseOf

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

15 New Articles on MakeUseOf

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Cool Websites and Tools – August 27th 2013 – Page Monitor, Educational Games & Online Stopwatch

Posted: 27 Aug 2013 03:01 PM PDT

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Today in Cool Websites and Tools, we take a look at 5 cool websites, including free educational games for children, an online stopwatch, a page monitoring service, sending messages into the future you, and an online image editing community. Read on below! Page Monitor – is a chrome extension that allows you to monitor web pages for changes. It can alert you whenever a page of your interest updates. To use, simply instal extension, go to a webpage you would like to monitor, click on the Page Monitor icon and select “Monitor This Page”. Now whenever this page changes, the...

Read the full article: Cool Websites and Tools – August 27th 2013 – Page Monitor, Educational Games & Online Stopwatch

How To Prove To Your Boss That Your Facebook Page Is Worth It [Weekly Facebook Tips]

Posted: 27 Aug 2013 02:30 PM PDT


Your boss has finally allowed you to set up a Facebook Page for your company. Now, how are you going to convince them it’s worth your time to maintain it? Here’s how. In the business world, everything needs to be measured. Bigwigs that have no idea how a system works rely on KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) to see if the process is working and if it’s worth continuing. Today we’ll talk you through the various statistics you can collect on your Facebook Page in order to show your boss that it’s worth putting the effort into making it better. By...

Read the full article: How To Prove To Your Boss That Your Facebook Page Is Worth It [Weekly Facebook Tips]

11 Quick Tricks To Become A Chrome Omnibox Power User

Posted: 27 Aug 2013 01:00 PM PDT


Do you want to become an Omnibox power user and save plenty of time and keystrokes? All you need are a few good extensions and a little knowledge of how to tweak the search settings. The Omnibox in Google Chrome is useful for more than just searching with Google or visiting a link quickly. Omni literally means ‘universal’ and the Omnibox can be used for almost every task on the Web or otherwise, be it searching a site, setting a timer or sending a tweet. The latest version of Chrome, in fact, made it a point to improve the search...

Read the full article: 11 Quick Tricks To Become A Chrome Omnibox Power User

Every T-Shirt Sheldon Cooper Has Ever Worn In The Big Bang Theory

Posted: 27 Aug 2013 12:30 PM PDT


Sheldon’s t-shirts have become just as iconic as the eccentric theoretical physicist himself. The Big Bang Theory is one of many television comedies adored around the world, but even more so by geeks and technology lovers. Along with his famous catch phrases, “Bazinga!” and, “I’m not crazy, my mother had me tested.” the show’s viewers share an inexplicable love for Dr. Sheldon Cooper’s t-shirts. Here’s a list of every t-shirt Sheldon has ever worn in every episode of The Big Bang Theory, up until episode 7 of season 6 (infograph designed by RIPT Apparel). Click to enlarge. via TeeHunter

Read the full article: Every T-Shirt Sheldon Cooper Has Ever Worn In The Big Bang Theory

Spruce Up Your College Dorm Room With These 8 Geeky Gadgets

Posted: 27 Aug 2013 12:00 PM PDT


Ready for yet another boring school year? Okay, school doesn’t have to be boring, what with new friends, old friends, being away from home and learning loads of new things. But after the novelty wears off, and winter sets in, you may find that things are not as interesting as they were just a few months ago. Not this year! This year, your college dorm room will provide all the entertainment you need, and might even lure in your friends, if they’re geeky enough. Don’t worry, you’re not going to have to spend a fortune on this. The most expensive...

Read the full article: Spruce Up Your College Dorm Room With These 8 Geeky Gadgets

How Do Webcomics Make Money?

Posted: 27 Aug 2013 10:30 AM PDT


A lot of my childhood was swept up in comics. I don’t mean superhero comics — I never really got into those — but funny strips that often contained subtle commentaries on life that flew over my youthful head. Garfield, Calvin and Hobbes, Dilbert, and comics in that vein. Nowadays, though, a lot of great comics are being published on the web as webcomics. You might be interested in adding to the pool, but what if you want to do it full-time? The web is full of content ranging from general humor webcomics to webcomics for geeks. Whatever your genre,...

Read the full article: How Do Webcomics Make Money?

Automatically Plan Your Meals & Make Dieting Easier With Eat This Much

Posted: 27 Aug 2013 10:15 AM PDT

Knowing what to eat, when to eat, and how to stay fit comes naturally to some people. To others it’s a continual struggle between desire and common sense, between laziness and motivation, between positive and negative attitudes. We know roughly what foodstuffs we should be avoiding, and how much exercise we should be getting, but it’s still insanely difficult to find a health plan and stick to it. One of the reasons for this struggle is the amount of work it takes organizing a diet that will help make you slim and healthy while providing some respite from the continual...

Read the full article: Automatically Plan Your Meals & Make Dieting Easier With Eat This Much

What Is a Symbolic Link & What Are Its Uses? [MakeUseOf Explains]

Posted: 27 Aug 2013 09:30 AM PDT


Is it a ghost file? Is it a clone? It’s a symbolic link, and it’s so useful it just might blow your mind. Every operating system has a helpful feature called symbolic links. This offers you a lot of benefits when combined with other applications or techniques. The ability to create symbolic links is a feature unknown to most computer users, but understanding the concept isn’t very difficult. I’ll explain what they’re all about and how you can use them to get out of your computer and installed services. Wait, Aren’t They Just Shortcuts? A good place to start is...

Read the full article: What Is a Symbolic Link & What Are Its Uses? [MakeUseOf Explains]

This Is What You Need For Real Gaming On Your Mac

Posted: 27 Aug 2013 09:00 AM PDT


Apple computers, like all of the company's products, are supposed to be more intuitive and user-friendly than the alternative. Generally that is true, but there are some areas where Macs clearly fall behind the competition. Gaming is one such area. Gamers who want to use a Mac shouldn't give up hope, however. The experience is not as simple as it is with Windows, but with the right software and hardware, it's still possible to have an experience similar to what PC gamers enjoy. Here's what you need to know – and buy – to get the most out of Mac...

Read the full article: This Is What You Need For Real Gaming On Your Mac

Latest Calibre Offers Cover Grid, Docx Conversion and Virtual Libraries [Updates]

Posted: 27 Aug 2013 08:30 AM PDT


It took seven years of development, but the Calibre team finally created a version worthy of the number 1.0. Calibre has long been the tool of choice for organizing your eBook library, downloading entire newspapers or blogs and sending eBooks to almost any eReader on the market. The latest release of the open source tool includes a new cover grid view for browsing, the ability to convert .docx files and the ability to split your collection into virtual libraries. It’s also faster than previous versions, if comments from Slashdot can be believed. The most visually obvious feature is the cover...

Read the full article: Latest Calibre Offers Cover Grid, Docx Conversion and Virtual Libraries [Updates]

PhotoSync 2.0 Syncs Your Photos and Videos Between iOS, Mac and Windows

Posted: 27 Aug 2013 08:00 AM PDT


Back in April, I listed PhotoSync as one of the five ways to sync iPhone photos between other devices. Because the iPhone photo syncing process has never been that easy, even with Apple’s Photo Stream feature, I often rely on PhotoSync, especially when I don’t want to haul out Aperture just to get at a few photos in my iCloud account. In addition, not only can photos be synced, but PhotoSync ($1.99) can sync videos as well with a single tap. Now at version 2.0 PhotoSync is even more powerful. It includes the ability to automatically transfer photos and videos when you arrive...

Read the full article: PhotoSync 2.0 Syncs Your Photos and Videos Between iOS, Mac and Windows

3 Creative Upcycling Ideas For Your Old Hard Drive

Posted: 27 Aug 2013 07:30 AM PDT


Care to get the most out of your old hard drive? Even if the drive is dead, there may be one more creative use left in it before submitting its remains for recycling. It is called upcycling! When you’ve re-used your old hardware in every conceivable way, it’s usually time for it to leave its current form of existence and break it apart to create something new. The extraction and production of metals and plastics is a laborious and resource-intensive process. Recycling feeds precious materials back into production, which saves energy and conserves natural resources. Upcycling is a way to...

Read the full article: 3 Creative Upcycling Ideas For Your Old Hard Drive

Transform Google Tasks Into a Task Management Suite With Google Tasks Offline [Chrome]

Posted: 27 Aug 2013 07:00 AM PDT


Using Google Tasks is like a love-hate relationship. Only an external Google Tasks client could possibly serve as a marriage counselor for such a relationship. The problem is that finding a desktop client that actually works apart from your active browser session isn’t that easy to do. Kannon recently covered five ways to make Google Tasks a little more useful, but most of those solutions either depend on the browser being open, or they are somewhat complicated to implement. The problem with using Google Tasks directly in say, Google Calendar or inside Google Mail is that the layout and the...

Read the full article: Transform Google Tasks Into a Task Management Suite With Google Tasks Offline [Chrome]

10 Steps To Take When You Discover Malware On Your Computer

Posted: 27 Aug 2013 06:45 AM PDT


Viruses are everywhere! And although we’d like to think that the Internet is a safe place to spend our time (cough), we all know that there are risks around every corner. Email, social media, malicious websites that have worked their way into search engine results, and ad pop-ups all can pose a threat. Although there are precautions you can take to limit the risk of infecting your computer, sometimes you simply have bad luck and get infected anyway. But thankfully, you can do it for completely free, although removing malware can be a painful process. And because of that, I’ve...

Read the full article: 10 Steps To Take When You Discover Malware On Your Computer

Timely For Android: A Beautiful, Powerful, and Slick Alarm Clock

Posted: 27 Aug 2013 06:00 AM PDT


Whatever alarm clock you’re using, it’s uglier than Timely. That’s a bold assertion to make, I know. But I’ve been using Gentle Alarm, one of the most powerful and versatile alarm clocks for Android, for over a year now — and we’ve also looked at other alarm clocks like DoubleTwist and Alarm Clock Xtreme. That’s why I feel confident in saying Timely, a relative newcomer, is probably the most elegant alarm clock available on Android right now. It also doubles at a timer and a stopwatch, and can even sync your alarms across multiple devices so both your tablet and...

Read the full article: Timely For Android: A Beautiful, Powerful, and Slick Alarm Clock

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