
15 New Articles on MakeUseOf

Thursday, August 8, 2013

15 New Articles on MakeUseOf

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Cool Websites and Tools – August 7th 2013 – Women Safety App, Bicycle Rental, & Smartphone Screenshots

Posted: 07 Aug 2013 09:31 PM PDT

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Today in Cool Websites and Tools, we take a look at 5 cool websites, including an Android app for women who feel threatened and need to call for help, a site that helps you rent a bicycle, a site that makes it easier to make presentations, making customized smartphone mockups for your app, and an all-in-one video app where you can tag sections of a video. Read on below! SOS Stay Safe! – is a discreet, personal safety app for women. It empowers women against abuse and acts of violence. Users can send SOS alerts to their friends and family...

Read the full article: Cool Websites and Tools – August 7th 2013 – Women Safety App, Bicycle Rental, & Smartphone Screenshots

Print Vs. Digital: What Is The Future For News? [We Ask You]

Posted: 07 Aug 2013 08:30 PM PDT

Jeff Bezos, the founder and CEO of Internet retail giant Amazon, has bought The Washington Post for $250 million. He has bought it as an individual, not as Amazon. This makes Bezos, a leading light in the digital, online world thanks to his disrupting of the bricks-and-mortar order of things, a press baron who single-handedly owns a famous newspaper. A print newspaper. These are the worlds of old media and new media colliding in spectacular fashion, once again raising the debate over where the future of news lies. No one is yet clear about the motivations behind the acquisition. Bezos...

Read the full article: Print Vs. Digital: What Is The Future For News? [We Ask You]

5 Unique Alternative YouTube Apps For iOS Devices

Posted: 07 Aug 2013 07:30 PM PDT


When iOS 6 took the original YouTube app away, many developers scrambled to create their own versions of the video app. Of course, we now have the official Google YouTube app, but this doesn’t mean its return after a brief absence has stopped these creative minds. Since that portion of the app market opened up, it never really has closed. Below are five unique alternative YouTube apps for iOS devices. While you may find the official YouTube app to be top-shelf (as many of us probably do), the other guys aren’t so bad either. Each one has its own unique...

Read the full article: 5 Unique Alternative YouTube Apps For iOS Devices

Impress Your Friends and Shame Your Enemies With 6 Stunning Android Themes

Posted: 07 Aug 2013 07:00 PM PDT


Custom themes can turn your phone from boring to awesome in minutes, it just takes a few configuration tweaks and apps. Recently, I raided the Reddit subreddit, /r/androidthemes, for some of its latest and best work. After spending hours pouring through page, after page of material, I discovered several themes with astounding beauty. Here’s my list of the top six custom themes: Custom Theme #1: Day and Night Designed by Redditor johnwcwho, the Day and Night theme changes the homescreen’s coloration to match the time of day; during the lighter hours of the day, the screen uses lighter colors. During...

Read the full article: Impress Your Friends and Shame Your Enemies With 6 Stunning Android Themes

Goodbye Casual Games, These iOS Games Are Made For Hardcore Gamers Only

Posted: 07 Aug 2013 06:30 PM PDT


The App Store has certainly become the home of casual games, which might leave some serious gamers scratching their heads. The iPhone and iPad are touted as gaming devices, but with puzzle games dominating the charts, it can be hard to look at the top ranking apps and only see games like Angry Birds. With enough searching you will find plenty of games made with hardcore gamers in mind. Fans of shooters, strategy, and all other genres can find quality games to play on the App Store. If you’re sick of simple games that seem to be made for the casual...

Read the full article: Goodbye Casual Games, These iOS Games Are Made For Hardcore Gamers Only

Nerd It Up With 6 Awesome iOS & Android Simulation Games

Posted: 07 Aug 2013 05:30 PM PDT

Simulation games used to be all the rage. Games like Sim City, Microsoft Flight Simulator and Freespace 2 practically sold themselves. Be it a flight yoke, race wheel or something a little less orthodox, the pages of PC Zone were full of them. It was the age of the simulation, and it lasted a while. These days PC gaming has taken a bit of a tumble from grace and, generally speaking, simulation games don’t work so well on consoles – there’s just something about sitting in front of your TV from the comfort of the couch that cannot beat the immersive...

Read the full article: Nerd It Up With 6 Awesome iOS & Android Simulation Games

5 Good Reasons To Save Your Old Hard Drive From The Trash

Posted: 07 Aug 2013 04:30 PM PDT

Open Hard Drive Case

Most of us have our data spread across several devices, storage media, or services. Storage capacities continue to expand at affordable prices, digital devices diversify, and as a result we are increasingly moving data to the Cloud. Do you even have a use for your old hard drive anymore? Once you understand how a hard drive works, you realize you’d be better off storing your data on something more reliable than an old HDD. It is a fact that hard drives eventually fail and sometimes warning signs precede the end of their lifetime. Or maybe your hard drive is dead...

Read the full article: 5 Good Reasons To Save Your Old Hard Drive From The Trash

Cut, Edit, and Convert Your Videos For Free With Avidemux

Posted: 07 Aug 2013 04:00 PM PDT


When it comes to video editing, most programs currently available are extremely dense and packed with hundreds of options. And why shouldn’t they be? Video editing is all about control and that requires a lot of features. The downside is the huge inherent learning curve of such complex programs. What if you want to edit videos on a more basic level? I present to you: Avidemux. Now, to be fair, there are a few basic video editors available if you need a quick cut or splice – I’m thinking Windows Movie Maker and VirtualDub. However, those programs come with limitations...

Read the full article: Cut, Edit, and Convert Your Videos For Free With Avidemux

Finding the Best PNG Image Compression Tool

Posted: 07 Aug 2013 03:30 PM PDT


Whether you’re creating a website, publishing an online photo gallery, or you just want to share your favorite pictures on a social network, the need to compress high-quality images is critical. Any image that has a smaller size will load on a web page faster, fit into an email message more easily, and transfer across the Internet more quickly. Compressed images can speed up the entire page load time of your site, and that’s really important when you’re looking to design a high quality web page that people aren’t annoyed to visit because the images take so long to load!...

Read the full article: Finding the Best PNG Image Compression Tool

What Is PRISM? Everything You Need to Know

Posted: 07 Aug 2013 02:30 PM PDT


The National Security Agency in the US has access to whatever data you’re storing with US service providers like Google Microsoft, Yahoo, and Facebook. They’re also likely monitoring most of the traffic flowing across the Internet. We’ll try to summarize the important revelations about PRISM from the recent leaks and discussions around this important topic. First, an important disclaimer: This summary won’t be perfect or complete. The US government has complained that the discussion of PRISM involves incomplete information that doesn’t paint a complete picture of what’s going on — but that’s all we have available to us. In spite...

Read the full article: What Is PRISM? Everything You Need to Know

8 Google Search Tips To Keep Handy At All Times

Posted: 07 Aug 2013 02:00 PM PDT

Google isn’t the only game in town when it comes to search. Alternatives such as Bing, DuckDuckGo, and Wolphram Alpha also provide the tools necessary to search the Web. However, the figures don’t lie, and the figures suggest that the majority of Internet users choose Google over the rest of the competition. With that in mind it’s important to make sure all of those Google users are utilizing all that Google has to offer when it comes to its search engine. Everyone knows how to conduct a normal search by typing some words and/or a phrase into the box provided...

Read the full article: 8 Google Search Tips To Keep Handy At All Times

Mozilla Launches Firefox 23 On Desktop And Android [Updates]

Posted: 07 Aug 2013 01:30 PM PDT


Mozilla has just launched version 23 of Firefox on both Android and desktop. Each of the new versions comes with some slick features designed to help make browsing the web a smoother, more enjoyable experience. Starting with the desktop version, Firefox gets some improvements to the previously added sharing functionality. Now, a share button appears in the browser’s toolbar, which should make it a little quicker for users to share the cool stuff they encounter on the web. Right now, the button works with Facebook Messenger for Firefox and Cliqz, and the company plans to expand those offerings in the future....

Read the full article: Mozilla Launches Firefox 23 On Desktop And Android [Updates]

How to Do Green Screen Video in iMovie and Adobe Premiere

Posted: 07 Aug 2013 01:00 PM PDT


Technically known as chroma-keying, green screening is the process of masking a video using color – removing specific parts so you can overlay one video on top of another. An obvious example is the weather, where a presenter will stand in front of what appears to be a giant map – in fact, they’re standing in front of a green screen and the weather map is being added later. All you really need to get started is some video footage of yourself with a green, or blue, background. In fact, any color can theoretically be used, but since green rarely...

Read the full article: How to Do Green Screen Video in iMovie and Adobe Premiere

What Your Handwriting and Workstation Have To Say About You

Posted: 07 Aug 2013 12:30 PM PDT


You can tell a lot about a person by studying at their handwriting. Take a look at yours. Is there a lot of space between words? That indicated that you enjoy your freedom and don’t like to be overwhelmed. If your writing slants to the right, it’s a sign that you’re open to new experiences and enjoy meeting new people. Your desk or workstation says a lot about the type of person you are. Are you the minimalist who has nothing else on your desk except for a computer, keyboard and mouse? Or are you the documentarian, with loads of...

Read the full article: What Your Handwriting and Workstation Have To Say About You

Self-Employment Works: 6 Tips To Set Up Your First Online Business From Home

Posted: 07 Aug 2013 12:00 PM PDT


With the explosion of digital technology and fast Internet speeds, more and more people are looking for a way out of the drudge of the commute and the threat of short-term contracts to work from home, running their own businesses where they can be in greater control of the way money is made and spent. Unfortunately, it isn’t as easy as quitting your job on Friday and booting up your PC or Mac the following Monday. There are various things you need to have in place, steps to take and research to do before you throw away your old career...

Read the full article: Self-Employment Works: 6 Tips To Set Up Your First Online Business From Home

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