
15 New Articles on MakeUseOf

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

15 New Articles on MakeUseOf

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Cool Websites and Tools – August 6th 2013 – Nuclear Fallouts, Hands-Free Mobile Answering, & Fake Media Coverage

Posted: 06 Aug 2013 09:31 PM PDT

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Today in Cool Websites and Tools, we take a look at 5 cool websites, including viewing what a nuclear fallout would look like on your city or town, answering or rejecting calls on your Android phone without using your hands, moving files between cloud storage services, quickly finding what you need in your Gmail account, and faking press coverage for your startup. Read on below! NukeMap 3D – the one big fear among world governments is that one day a terrorist will acquire a nuclear device and detonate it in a crowded place. So it is important to plan for...

Read the full article: Cool Websites and Tools – August 6th 2013 – Nuclear Fallouts, Hands-Free Mobile Answering, & Fake Media Coverage

Bring Facebook, Instagram & Twitter to Your Browser’s Toolbar with These Chrome Extensions

Posted: 06 Aug 2013 08:30 PM PDT


Looking for a more streamlined way to use your favorite social networks? Developer 64 Pixels offers a series of Chrome extensions which let you take three major social networks — Facebook, Twitter and Instagram — out of your smartphone and their native websites, and into a slick and easy-to-access window in your browser bar. The extensions give you access to the key features of each social network. You can keep up with what your friends are up to, interact with them the way that you would on the native website (commenting, liking, retweeting etc.), and all from the most convenient place...

Read the full article: Bring Facebook, Instagram & Twitter to Your Browser’s Toolbar with These Chrome Extensions

What Would You Ban From The Internet? [You Told Us]

Posted: 06 Aug 2013 07:30 PM PDT

If David Cameron and the rest of the British Government has its way, all 60 million+ people in the U.K. will be blocked from viewing Internet porn by default by the end of the year. Those who want to view Internet porn after the edict comes into force will have to actively remove the block, either by circumventing it themselves or, for most of the mainstream, asking their ISP to turn the filters off. Whatever you think of Internet pornography, and it is undoubtedly a touchy subject that divides people, this is a rather worrying development for many people. While...

Read the full article: What Would You Ban From The Internet? [You Told Us]

5 Study Skills Every Online Student Needs To Have For Beating Failure

Posted: 06 Aug 2013 06:30 PM PDT


I recently chose to take on a few online classes. “Piece of cake,” I thought. What could be easier than a college course that I don’t even have to wear pants for? Nothing. Nothing at all. I thought this until I decided to tell my girlfriend, who herself had recently gotten through a few online courses. Admittedly, throughout that semester, she had seemed a bit more stressed than usual. Personally, I just thought it was a difficult semester all around – we all get those every now and then. Of course, this wasn’t the case. “You do know that you’ll have...

Read the full article: 5 Study Skills Every Online Student Needs To Have For Beating Failure

How To Time Travel Through The Brief History Of The Internet

Posted: 06 Aug 2013 05:30 PM PDT

However old you may be, you’ll no doubt remember your ‘firsts‘. The memorable firsts will be different for everyone, but your first kiss, your first day of school, your first girlfriend or boyfriend, and your first time being given responsibility are all prime examples of these firsts that stay with us through the years as we (hopefully) grow old gracefully. The Internet also has its firsts. But they can sometimes get lost in amongst the cacophony of digital noise created by the emergence of new websites, new services, and new ways of doing things that continuously flood the online world....

Read the full article: How To Time Travel Through The Brief History Of The Internet

6 Non-Crappy Ways to Find Lyrics for Your Favorite Songs

Posted: 06 Aug 2013 04:30 PM PDT


When it comes to music, I’m a lyrics maniac. It started with those little booklets that came packed inside cassettes and CDs. I would read the lyrics off those passionately, and would be similarly disappointed when the label failed to enclose the lyrics. When the Internet came along, I was looking for lyrics for any new song I encountered, wanting to make sure I really knew what this song was about. After all, aren’t the lyrics at least half of the song? It seems I’m not alone in my fixation. The term “lyrics” is a super popular one on Google,...

Read the full article: 6 Non-Crappy Ways to Find Lyrics for Your Favorite Songs

Stuff I Found On The Web – Geeky Pranks, Deceptive Fast Food, NSA-Busting Cellphone Packs & Mummies

Posted: 06 Aug 2013 04:00 PM PDT


Welcome to another edition of “Stuff I Found On The Web“. In today’s edition, we will be looking at geeky pranks you can carry out on your friends and co-workers, how fast food joints make their food advertising look so much more appealing than reality, a Kickstarter project that wants to make a cellphone pack to defeat the NSA, and a German boy who found a mummy in the attic. Geeky Pranks Our friends over at How-To Geek are big fans of geeky pranks and this page shows 10 of the best ones.  From making the person believe their computer...

Read the full article: Stuff I Found On The Web – Geeky Pranks, Deceptive Fast Food, NSA-Busting Cellphone Packs & Mummies

Sick Of Facebook? Set Your Account To Read-Only Mode [Weekly Facebook Tips]

Posted: 06 Aug 2013 03:30 PM PDT


Even if you hate Facebook, there are some very compelling reasons to have an account. Like, for instance, the fact that most of your friends probably have accounts. It’s tempting to have an account simply so you can see what they’ve been up to and view their photos. But, how can you join Facebook without getting involved? It’s possible. What we’re aiming to do here is create a Facebook account with minimal information and minimal interaction: Read-only mode. It’s an account used just to look at what other people are up to, not for your own sharing. Even if you...

Read the full article: Sick Of Facebook? Set Your Account To Read-Only Mode [Weekly Facebook Tips]

Transform Your Droid: 5 Launchers To Replace The One That Came With Your Phone

Posted: 06 Aug 2013 02:30 PM PDT


Last year, I did a bit of soul searching and tried out a bunch of awesome free launchers for Android. With so many offerings on the market, I went ahead and tried out even more free launchers for Android. And now I’m back, one year later, to report my experiences with some of the best Android launchers available in the Play Store today. The choices are always evolving and home screen customization has never been so user-friendly. Android launchers are a great way to spice up your home screen with new graphics and new features. For the uninitiated, you should...

Read the full article: Transform Your Droid: 5 Launchers To Replace The One That Came With Your Phone

10 Inspirational Entrepreneurs To Follow On Twitter

Posted: 06 Aug 2013 01:00 PM PDT


They are also called thought leaders and influencers. From the pages of history we know them as Christopher Columbus, Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Edison, Henry ford, P.T. Barnum, and even as Napoleon Bonaparte who was a go-getter of the top order. They were probably adventurers first and entrepreneurs later, but when it comes to entrepreneurship, there's very little that separates the two. The Internet has peeled away much of the mystery. The personal magic of today's business leaders remains, but we can easily unravel the strategies and business ideas that make them prosper. In fact, they are the ones showing us...

Read the full article: 10 Inspirational Entrepreneurs To Follow On Twitter

Caption Contest: Trashy PC

Posted: 06 Aug 2013 12:30 PM PDT

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Is the Internet so filled with garbage that it overflows into your home? What does this cartoon remind you of? We invite you caption this image simply by leaving us a comment below and be in the running to win a free MakeUseOf t-shirt! The best caption will be chosen the following day the winner will be contacted via email.

Read the full article: Caption Contest: Trashy PC

Launch Your Apps Faster Than Ever Before With Quad Drawer, an Alternative Android App Drawer

Posted: 06 Aug 2013 12:00 PM PDT


Android launchers are a topic of constant fascination here at MakeUseOf: We’re always on the lookout for unique new ways to control and customize our phones and tablets. From well-known behemoths like Nova Launcher to more experimental newcomers such as Atom Launcher, we’ve shown you just about every major launcher out there today. But launchers usually compete in the customization and tweaking arena: Whichever launcher gets you the most unique home screen, wins. Sometimes, though, we just want to quickly launch some app, rather than marvel at the beauty of our painfully-customized home screen. There’s a whole class of “launcher...

Read the full article: Launch Your Apps Faster Than Ever Before With Quad Drawer, an Alternative Android App Drawer

4 Skyrim Mods Guaranteed To Breathe New Life Into The Game

Posted: 06 Aug 2013 11:00 AM PDT


Skyrim is, in my opinion, one of the best video games ever made. The thrilling combination of open world gameplay and well-made story make for an experience that isn’t to be missed. You can literally sink hundreds of hours into the game without even seeing everything. If you’ve put in what you feel is enough to be done with Skyrim, but feel like a hole is missing in your life by not playing, you should really jump in and enjoy some mods. Of course, you have to play on PC to enjoy them, but let’s be honest, PC is the...

Read the full article: 4 Skyrim Mods Guaranteed To Breathe New Life Into The Game

4 Android Anti-Theft Solutions Compared: Which Is The Best?

Posted: 06 Aug 2013 10:30 AM PDT


Losing your phone or having it stolen really sucks. If you have an iPhone, the free Find my iPhone app can help you out, but what is an Android owner to use? Well, you have a bunch of options in the Google Play Store, and we’ll be looking at four of the best. Anti-theft apps like Lookout, Cerberus, Prey, and Android Lost offer a wide range of options for finding or protecting your device: GPS location, sounding an alarm, locking the phone, wiping the data completely, and more. If you just happened to lose your phone in the infinite folds...

Read the full article: 4 Android Anti-Theft Solutions Compared: Which Is The Best?

The Best, Fastest, Most Rugged USB Flash Drives You Can Buy Right Now

Posted: 06 Aug 2013 09:20 AM PDT


The USB flash drive is far from the most exotic hardware most people use, but for many, it’s incredibly important. A fast USB drive can shave minutes of data transfers, and if you use it every day, that can add up. Just one problem; you usually have to pay for the performance. Or do you? To find out, we set upon the Internet to find not just the fastest USB drives but also the largest, the most affordable, the most rugged, and more. There are plenty of options, but some drives do stand out from the rest. The Fastest Under...

Read the full article: The Best, Fastest, Most Rugged USB Flash Drives You Can Buy Right Now

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